Jakub Lauko - Feeling's Mutual

353 2 15

Y/B/N -  you're best friend's name

I excitedly hop out of the passenger seat of my best friend's car, and close the door with a slam.

"Geez, don't break the thing." She says laughing at my antics.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm excited for the game." I say as we start walking to the entrance of the TD Garden arena.

"You're only excited to see Lauko play." She says laughing with a playfully eye roll.

"That is so not true, the game is nice to watch too." I say in a mock-defensive tone as I cross my arms, laughing along with her.

"Yeah okay." My best friend exclaimed with sarcasm dripping from her words as head into the arena.

As soon as we get in we both get in line to go through the metal detector. we chose the shortest line because who would chose the longest one?

Once it was my turn I put all my belongings down on the table beside me and walk through. The person at the table checks my bag to make sure everything is okay as I walked through the metal detector nothing went off. I stand beside the detector as the lady checking bags hands me my keys, phone, and bag that I had brought. I wait for Y/B/N to go through.

After she went through, I pull out my phone to check where our seats were. We were sitting in row 1 and seats 18 and 19. We were right against the glass which would be great for picture taking.

We start looking for where our seats would be and once we found it, it's like we ran to our seats. As soon as we got there we saw the players warming up which was so fun to watch already. I took out my phone and snapped a couple of pictures and get up.

"Want to get something to eat or drink, the game doesn't start for another 7 minutes?" I ask Y/B/N looking at her, already up from my seat.

"Sure" she says getting up and walking with me to the entrance area that has a bunch of concession stands.

"First, I want to go to the jersey shop." I say walking past a bunch of food stands.

"Fine, take some money and buy me a Marchand jersey, and I'll buy us food." She say handing me enough money for the jersey and walking away to get us food. I nod at her and walk away to the jersey shop.

Once I get there I pick out the Lauko 94 jersey with a smile and then get the Marchand 63 jersey. I walk to the checkout and buy both.

After the jerseys were purchased I go back to our seats and see that Y/B/N is already there. I head down to the seats with a smile as I rip the tags off and hand her, her jersey. We put on the jerseys and start eating.


By the time we finished our food, the game was just about the start. I set down the empty box that once had my food in it on the floor and use the napkin to wipe off anything on my face before turning my attention to the game.

As the boys skate around as their names are being called, Jakub skates right past me and for a split second we make eye contact. Clearly Y/B/N saw it because right ur after it had happened she hit my shoulder with a huge grin on her face.

"Did that really just happened!" She asks excitedly as she hits my shoulder again.

"It's just eye contact and stop abusing me" I say laughing pushing her arm off of me.

"Yeah okay, 'just eye contact' next thing you know it's two years later and you're married with twins" she says shaking her head.

"That was oddly specific." I say laughing as I watch as they all get in place for puck drop.

Y/B/N goes to talk again before I put my hand over her mouth as I watch the game begin. She moves my hand from her mouth with a giggle and shaking her head as she also turns her attention to the game.


It is now the end of second period we were up two goals against the Colorado Avalanche. The score was 6-4 us. As the boys were staking back to the bench after coming back from the locker room Y/B/N and I somehow got on the Jumbotron. I smiled and put my head on Y/B/N's shoulder trying to hide my face out of embarrassment. While Y/B/N on the other hand started smiling and waving.

I looked back on the Jumbotron to see that we were still there, my face was red and I was laughing a little. Then the camera went to Jakub Lauko showing him with a shocked expression while looking at the Jumbotron. Most of the arena erupted into laughter and Jakub goes back to a normal face and looking away like nothing happened.

Y/B/N and I look at each other after seeing that and we start laughing.


Uhhhh so we are going to ignore how I haven't updated in like 100 years😬😬

Also sorry there was like no interaction I literally have no idea who this kid is I did my best😭

Requested by steenersgf

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