Ethan Edwards (First Date)

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I wake up with a terrible hangover from last night. I don't remember anything after I kissed a guy. I don't even remember who it was. I check my phone and see that there was a hockey game for my collage and I knew that I wasn't going to miss a game no matter how hungover I was.

After being on my phone for a little bit I finally get up to get ready for the day. I change into a large Umich hoodie so that it is slightly bigger and a pair of Nike pro shorts. I put my hair into a messy bun and put a dark blue scrunchie around it to match my hoodie.

I go to my bathroom in my dorm and brush my teeth. When I'm done I go back to my room to wake up my roommate who also happens to be my best friend. "Cassie, wake the fuck up." I say shaking her.

"Shut up" she says turning around to face the wall and put her blanket over her head.

I sigh obnoxiously loud and yank her blanket out of her hands. "No, we are getting up because we have to game to go to."

"Fine" she says extending the E.

"My head hurts so bad" she complains as she goes to the bathroom to do her business.

"Me too I literally don't remember anything from last night" I say laughing at myself.

"I just took a fat piss sorry." She say coming out of the bathroom. We both laughed.

"Anyways..." I say still laughing at her ridiculousness.

"Omg do you remember you almost fucked Ethan Edwards!" Cassie says gasping as if she had just remembered it.

I laugh before processing what my best friend had just said. "Wait what!" I say after I realize.

"Yeah like you were supper drunk and then like, you and him were flirting and then disappeared so I go looking for you and I see you literally on top of him making out with him on someone's bed." She says reciting the moment.

"And I only remember this because I wasn't that drunk yet" she says laughing.

I just stand there shook at what she had just told me. My mind runs a thousand miles an hour.

"I'm too hungover to process this." I roll my eyes going to our kitchen. Cassie follows laughing.

"Bacon and eggs?" I ask making sure she is okay with that.

"Yes please!" She almost yells as she goes in one of our cabinets grabbing two tylenols one for her and one for me.

"Thanks pookie" I wink laughing.

"Please stop." She says looking at me dead in the eyes and then laughs along with me. I take the pill dry not wanting to get water since I was at the stove making us brunch since it was already one PM.

"You're so weird for taking that dry." She says grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and taking the pill.

"Whatever" I laugh rolling my eyes.

After brunch Cassie got dressed into a blue Umich t-shirt and yellow Umich shorts. "Okay I see you with all the school spirit!" I laugh after observing her outfit.

"I know, it's amazing" she says with sass laughing.

"Don't use that tone with me young lady" I say pointing a finger in her face which she reacts to it by pushing it away and sticking out her tongue at me.

"Don't make me put you in a time out." I laugh crossing my arms.

"Okay, mom." She says with sarcasm lingering in her voice. We laugh as she puts her hair in a low ponytail and puts a claw clip over it.

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