Chapter 1- Meeting a trickster

Start from the beginning

"I guess, it's okay then." Tony concluded for the team. The decision was taken. 

"YES!" Thor boomed "Thank you Lady Y/n!" He wrapped me tight in his arms, enthused with how quickly the room had turned in his favor. 

"Okay, okay hammer head. You're going to kill me." I patted his back and he finally dropped me, beaming. 

"Great! This is amazing! Thank you again Lady Y/n! I will immediately tell my father! I should be back in a week!" 

He rushed off, not before grabbing a pack of Pop-tarts in the kitchen for the journey ahead. Everyone seemed still in shock or processing.

"Alrighty, if we're all done here, I have a Netflix series to finish." Natasha announced, first to stand up and leave. Everyone followed because to be fair, we all had stuff to do.

<>------<>------<> Time skip <>-------<>-------<>

"Mr Stark requests everyone at the entrance." JARVIS announced. 

I forgot Thor would come home today with Loki. We all piled in the lift nervously and stepped out at the entrance. My stomach was growling and I hoped this would be over quickly so I'd be able to eat. The wind slightly picked up, making me slightly shiver under my thin layers.  

Much awaited, Thor appeared in a bright beacon of bliding white light, holding who would probably be Loki with a bright smile on his face.

"Greetings friends! My mother and father send you their well wishes! Please, my brother Loki." 

An imposing, tall, young man stood next to him with slicked black hair and a mischievious glint in his emerald eyes. He was dressed in full Asgardian armour, all in dark green, black and gold tones. His hands were manacled but you could just feel the aura and power pulsating around him. Unless that was just my beating heart. Probably just some nerves. 

"You forgot the part where I'm the God of Mischief and Lies, Thor. Again." His voice was deep and melodious with a tone that nothing else could ever produce. 

"I'm a god as well!" Protested Thor

"Yeah but honestly who cares about thunder?" Loki shrugged his shoulders and looked around, taking it all in. 

"Hey! Lady Sif said that-"

"Yes, we all know that's what Lady Sif said Thor." Loki seemed to enjoy tormenting Thor 

Soon enough they were bickering like five year olds on who and what was most powerful in front of the expectant team. In the midst of his sibling rivalry, he didn't feel as scary. 

"Okay girls, are you done now? I'm hungry and as amusing as this may be, let's get this moving yeah?" I said, hands crossed over my chest with a deep scwol. There was pizza upstairs and I was just dying to get some. 

Loki locked eyes with me with those green gems he had for eyes and the world stopped for a short moment. I was ensnared. Cliché I know, but perhaps in those rose water and typical works depicting love, there might be a small part of truth. 

"Ooh! I like this one." Loki announced grinning with that devilish but kind of hot smirk. "I'm Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies. Pleasure to meet you." He picked up my hand and as soon as he even grazed me, sparks crackled through my body. He kissed my knuckles softly and stepped back.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Y/n Y/l/n. And don't worry, I already knew who you were. You're quite the celebrity here. Isn't that right Tony and Thor?" 

"Pixie, don't you fucking dare." Tony said, ruffling my hair. Thor had in mouth open in protest but Tony took care of me before he got to.

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