She dragged me to the kitchen and looked around for a moment before looking back at me, when the cost was clear she finally spoke.

"Is that your boyfriend?" boy.. what?! Is she okay? Why would she suddenly start blubbering out nonsense out of the blue.

"And why would you assume that? Just because she was outside my house doesn't mea-"

"She!? he's a girl?"

Cynthia's POV

For the current moment i was alone trying to find Kali's room while holding our project, it was hard to find her room since there's a lot of rooms here, plus this canva is big as fuck, i can't hold this for the next 50 seconds. And that's when a tall woman appeared infront of me, she was the one i was with when i was about to ring the doorbell when i felt her presence.

She was staring at me right in the eye, she didn't dare to break eye contact neither than i, plus she didn't mind the silence.. too silent! It feels awkward, i mean who wouldn't feel the same way that i do when you're alone with someone you don't know and it feels like they'll devour you the moment you turn your back on them.

"By any chance are you our little sister's.. boyfriend?" i'm her little sister's what?

"I'm sorry but.. huh?" I was confused on what she spat on me, her little sister's boyfriend? but wait hold on, she sees me as a guy? i mean i don't blame her or them and i am not triggered that they misgendered me.

"Don't huh me! So, are you?" This is.. i don't like that her tone changed. What's taking Kali so long away? isn't she going to save me from her scary older sister?!

"I- i don't know..?" I replied to her unassure and that made me regret it, i should've answered honestly, we're just friends and nothing else! Why did i say that i'm not sure..

"What do you mean you don't know!? Are you playing with her feelings!?" She shouted, i'm never used to people shouting at me. So this is a new feeling, she was scary, she looks like a predator.

"She isn't my boyfriend! Now can you please go downstairs and mind your own business!" A voice echoed right at the stairs and Kali appeared. Thank you lord! A moment ago i felt like i was about to wet my pants when her sister started shouting at me.

They were about to argue but Kali dragged me to her room, she also clarified that i wasn't a male before closing the door shut. I was kinda touched that she did, she apologized repeatedly for her sisters actions.

"Hey, it's really okay. Let's just finish our project" If i haven't spoken out, she wouldn't have snapped out of it, really..


Hours had passed us by and i have to admit, we did a great job doing the finishing touch on our project. Though the paint is still a bit of wet, and we did quite cause a mess, just a tiny bit of splattered paint on the ground.

"You're amazing at this, i have to admit it" She finally spoke after a long period of her unbreakable concentration. The first thing i heard from her is praising me, or the output of our work.

"I couldn't have done it, this perfectly without you. You've done a lot more than i did" I replied to her, i wanted to praise her as well but somehow i think it'll be weird to do so.

For decades of joining art contests, she has always been there. Just right there. I don't know if i should believe on what they said before, Kali has always been.. second. Never have i lost a single art contest i was in, the moment i saw her eyes, the last 3 years. It feels like it was still crystal clear, too clear, not to mention i wouldn't be surprised if she held grudges against me.

"I promise you, you will never see the sun shine again if you don't stop entering to every single art contest I go to!"

I was getting reminded of the past again, the words she said back then. I should just stop and put these feelings aside but i just.. i couldn't. My parents told me i was talented, like i would believe that, they said God gave me the talent to draw. But for me, anything related to creating an art piece is just to fill an empty hole on my schedule. And that's when i met her.

All the dazzling art pieces she makes, even if it was a mistake the output will always be beautiful, and pleasing to look at, even she herself is a work of art made by the Gods. If i let my feelings flow, i'm sure it'll cause a problem.

But i like her, and these feelings that i held for so long has been begging, to let her be aware of it. Should i just.. ignore it again, and keep these feeling well hidden?


I should let it flow. I shouldn't bottle it up for another round of 5 years. I will never, do that again.

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