"Call me every day okay? And be safe." Nayeon adjusted Y/N's collar.

"I will. You also call me okay? Especially when you need me or something is going on."

"I will, I will."

"Is something about Minji sunbaenim bothering you?" Y/N asked. She noticed how Nayeon kept looking at her and she wonders if maybe Nayeon heard something about their past.

"Oh, no why are you asking?" Nayeon didn't expect for Y/N to ask this at all.

"I just noticed how you kept watching her when you were at the station and I actually need to tell you something. This maybe isn't really the right timing since I'm going to Japan tomorrow but as my girlfriend you deserve to know both my past and present and I would hate it if you hear this from someone else. And the last thing I want is for you to think that I'm hiding something from you."

"Y/N... what's going on?" Nayeon is really worried now about what Y/N is going to say. She sensed how something is or was going on between Minji and Y/N since there's lots of tension between the two. Her guess is that Minji likes Y/N but something in her tells her that the two could have had a past.

"When is your bus coming?"

"In about 15 minutes. Why?" The older woman furrowed her eyebrows.

"Let's sit down for a bit." Y/N guided the cashier to a nearby bench. "Minji and I were in a relationship in the past. We dated for two years until we decided to break up because of our jobs. We broke up about a year ago but as you can see, we still have to work together and she's my senior. You deserve to know what went on between us since she is someone who's still somehow in my life. We're not friends or anything and outside of work we don't talk at all. We only talk at work and only about work related stuff. This might come out of nowhere but I just want you to know from the very beginning so that there won't be any problems later on."

"I actually did sense that something was or went on between you two, it's a bit obvious. Are you sure all the feelings are gone from both sides?" Nayeon asked.

"She is someone that I will always care about but our relationship ended for a reason. I have feelings for you now and you're my girlfriend now. She's a part of my past and I will continue to care about her but I promise you I don't love her like that anymore and I'm sure she doesn't either because she has someone new in her life as well."

"Okay." Nayeon nodded to herself. "Thank you for telling me this. You could have just hidden it or lied about it but you decided to tell me the truth without me having to ask so thank you." The older woman is actually very glad that Y/N told her this otherwise Nayeon would have kept overthinking about what may have happened between the two of them but now she knows.

"You deserve to know it. I would hate if you had heard it from someone else when you should have heard it from me. I'm really serious about you. I hope you can see that." Y/N took both Nayeon's hands in hers.

"I'm serious about you too. I'm glad we're on the same page."

"I understand if it bothers you that Minji is my senior here and I have to work with her often. I will try to distance myself from her as much as I can. I promise." Hearing this the cashier just smiled to herself. Y/N telling her this without her having to ask is just a green flag. 

"It's okay Y/N. I'm not bothered by it for now because I believe what you're telling me. But I have to go now otherwise I'll be late for work and you know how my boss is an asshole." Nayeon sighed. "I'll see you when you get back. Stay safe." Nayeon pulled her girlfriend into a tight hug. When she pulled away she quickly pecked her lips and stood up walking away.

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