Chapter 33: It Really Was Never Meant To Be

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We were all celebrating, hugging, when I see Wilbur coming in from beyond the wall. "Hey Wil, where did you go?" I ask, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Just fresh air." he mumbled, not even looking at me before going straight to Tommy. I stare at him as he leaves. That was odd.

The next few days were a blur, rebuilding L'Manburg and all. And not a word from the Dream Team. I haven't talked to Wilbur at all. It's like he's been trying to avoid me. I try to talk to him, but he's always busy. Probably just Presidential stuff, I suppose. But as this went on, I got more and more suspicious about what's going on. He doesn't even look me in the eye. That's when I've had enough. When Wilbur was outside, talking to Tommy, I listen in, until they finish. Then, as soon as he's done talking, I drag him away into the camarvan. "Um Y/N. I'm really busy right now, so now is not really a good time." he says annoyed. "Too bad, we need to talk." I say, pulling him in. "Now, what's your problem." I ask, crossing my arms. "What do you mean-" Wilbur starts, but I interrupt, "Don't act like you don't know. Now, why have you been avoiding me?" I ask, as Wilbur looks around, before taking a deep breath. "Y/N, you are hereby exiled from the country of L'Manburg. If you are not out of our country by midnight, you shall be killed on sight." Wilbur states, not looking me in the eyes. I am speechless for a few seconds, unable to process this. "... What?" I whisper. No way, he just- I must've misheard- "You are exiled from L'Manburg." he repeats, turning away from me. "Wil... why? What have I done? There must've been some misunderstanding." I stutter. "You are Dream's sister. I couldn't prevent Eret's betrayal, but I can prevent yours." Wilbur says in a monotone voice. " I won't betray you! I'm on your side, please, I-" I try to beg, but he stops me. "Y/N, my decision is final. Now get out of my van." Wilbur shouts. I can feel tears, but I try to hide them as I take off my mask. "What about us? Does that at least mean something to you?" I ask, begging. "There is no we.  We are enemies, and always will be until the day when L'Manburg is destroyed and gone. And with me as president, I will make sure that never happen. Now leave, before I have someone escort you out" Wilbur says, facing away from me. I stand there, shocked, speechless, before running out of the van. I run to my base, and cry. I thought... never mind. It's useless now. Like he said, we're enemies. And I was dumb to think that we were really meant to be. Eret was right all along. I grabbed all my belongings, mainly my other sets of netherite and my weapons, and I leave. I look back once, at the van, at the walls, at our hill, before leaving. It really was never meant to be.

Wilbur POV

As soon as Y/N left the van, I broke down. I protected the nation they all worked for, but at what cost? The worst part is, I hurt her. But it had to be this way. If I told her why, she would've insisted on fighting Dream on it, a fight she may not survive. Or worst, she would actually leave, hurting alone. Both of those, I wouldn't be able to live with. So I broke her heart. Broke her trust. Said all the things I needed to say, so she would hate me. So she could move on from L'Manburg, and move on from the hurt, having no regrets on leaving. My mind flashes back to her face, broken, full of unshed tears, heartbroken and confused and all those feelings you never want to see on the ones you love. Except I'm the one who caused it. In this way, Dream has won. He get's Y/N away from L'Manburg. Possibly back to him. Finally, my mind flashes back to the final control room, where 6 words were said, that changed the course of the war. "It was never meant to be." In the end, I guess, it was true.

Dream POV

"Sapnap, any news on L'Manburg?" I ask, looking out the window of my office. "Yes, uh, she was exiled as you wanted." Sapnap reported, and I smile. "And?" I question, sensing there was more to the story due to his face. "She seemed pretty upset about it." Sapnap replied, looking down at the ground, face full of sympathy. "Perfect" I say, grinning. "Um, there's just one problem" Sapnap says, and I turn to him faster than you could say Mellohi. "Well, what is it?" I ask. Sapnap looks side to side awkwardly. "Me and Punz had our eyes on her, and everything was perfect, until, well..." Sapnap trailed off. "Well what?" I ask, heart sinking. "She disappeared. We were watching her, and then poof, gone" Sapnap grimaced. "She can't be that far. Send people out looking for her, but don't let L'Manburg know. We'll find her in no time" I reassured, before grabbing my stuff to help look. She can't be that far.

A/N Hello Everyone! Welcome to the finale of the book! I wanted to let you know that I cried very hard writing this chapter, as I grew too attached to these characters. I know, very dumb. I cry over books, sue me. This is the second to last chapter in the book, are you all ready for it?! Lol, so excited for this and the next book. I'm watching streams to prepare. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/other things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

P.S. Just so you know, the gap between L'Manburgs freedom and the elections are much bigger in the book then it is canonically. Just so no one gets confused for next chapter :)

Word Count: 1063 words :)

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