Chapter 2: The Duel

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"Oh, Alyssa, you can be in charge of hunting and gathering food for the battle. Any objections?" Dream asks, and I quietly climb out of the vent. "I have one." I call out. All eyes at the table, one by one, turned to look at me, now out of the vent and exposed. "I object" I repeat, looking directly at Dream. His eyes were a mixture of anger and calm, along with, if you looked closely enough, endearment. Dream looked at me hard, and said "No", already knowing why I objected. "I can defend myself Dream, why can't you trust me to do so?!" I say, trying to keep calm and not blow over. Dream looked hard at me. "You know how dangerous it is, especially for you. I can't let something happen to you". I catch a look in Alyssa's eyes, but brushed it off, thinking it's probably nothing.

Suddenly, Sapnap butts in. "How about a challenge?" he asks. "If she wins, she can go on a mission outside the safe zone. If she loses, she stays, and can't fight about it anymore". Dream looks angrily at Sapnap, but then, a look of calm reaches his face, like the calm before a storm. I don't know what he was thinking, but I know it isn't something good.

"Very well Y/N", Dream says with a pointed look. "You want a challenge?" He starts to slowly stalk towards me.


"1v1 me. Right here, right now."

Dream POV

Over the years, me and Y/N have both practised fighting each other. She is the best fighter other than me, of course. However, she has never won a fight against me before, albeit she has gotten close a number of times. If a 1v1 is what it takes to keep her safe, then so be it. I didn't give a fuck about Spirit, or my dogs, or even the discs. But I do care about her, and I'd never forgive myself if something happened. I craft two iron swords, one for me, one for Y/N and sigh. If only she wasn't so stubborn!


Ugh, if only Dream wasn't so stubborn! He just has to make things so difficult. But no matter. I will win no matter what. This is my freedom at stake! I try to think of a strategy while Dream crafts 2 swords. He always goes for your upper body... and just like that, I have an idea. He throws me a sword, and starts explaining the rules. I zone out while he talks about the rules, which I know is bad, but we've done these thousands of times, and I was also nervous and trying to make a plan. Finally, I got a plan to use with the strategy, just as he finished explaining. I ready my sword as he readies his own. Sapnap counts down for the fight, volunteering to ref, to make sure it's fair.





       Dream and I's swords meet almost instantly, with sparks flying over the contact. Bets were being made as we stroked each other, calculated strikes to see where we were weakest at the moment, hoping the other makes a mistake. His eyes were staring at me with a mix of calm, rage, and something else that I've never seen in his eyes when we fight. Finally, he made a mistake when he thrust towards me with a grunt, and I leapt over him with a flip to avoid the sword, and before he could turn to stab me, I flipped him over to the ground, and put my sword to his throat. Silence filled the room. A minute passes, with everyone just staring at Dream and I. George was the first to break the silence. "What the fuck just happened?!" Dream stared at me through his mask, and I stared at him through mine, shocked, shaking a bit with disbelief. Dream slowly came to the same realization as I. "She won."

A/N Sorry for the bad fight scene, I suck at writing those. Also, don't worry, Wilbur will come in the next few chapters, don't worry. You just need to work to get to him, and get the backstory leading up to him out of the way. I hope you all are happy and healthy, and remember, you are loved.

723 words.

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