Chapter 20: Failure

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The last few days, it has been the same thing, every day. I've been tortured for information, and guarded, by Dream and his goons. Alyssa's almost always there, which annoys me, but I get her back by dropping hints to Dream about my identity, not enough to reveal who I am, but just enough to make Alyssa extremely worried, and annoyed. Which, obviously, makes me more keen to do it every time. I am extremely thin, because I only get one meal a day, but I'm trying to still keep my strength for when I make my escape. Today was a day like all the other days, or so I thought. Dream and Alyssa came in with my buttered bread. I decide to annoy them as usual. So they are less likely to guard me since I annoy them so much, so they'll send the lower level guards to guard me, since the higher ups get annoyed by me, and can say no, yet the lower levelled guards have no choice. And the lower levelled guards, well... I know they aren't the strongest from experience. And since I know that Dream and his friends are doing a little "trip" (the soldiers and guards aren't quiet when speaking about the latest gossip), I knew today would be the perfect day to make my escape. Let's just hope it works. As I wait patiently, I decide to troll them a bit more. "So Dream, heard any word about your sister?" I ask, earning a glare from under Dream's mask, and a look from Alyssa telling me to shut up. Dream tried to use this to get information, which was a smart thing to do if it were for any other person for any other answers. "Have any you want to share" he asked in return. "None that your team doesn't already know" I reply snarkily, earning another look from Alyssa. "She's probably trying to distract you. Ignore her, and let's get going" she says, trying to distract Dream from the true meaning of my words. He nods, and leaves, but not before getting the last word in. Classic older brother move. "I wonder how smug you'll be later, after we see your face." he says, walking away. I roll my eyes, although I know he can't see them. Jerk.

After they leave, I start to make my plan, although it's hard to do with all the yelling that's been going on upstairs. I've been waiting for it to end for what I can assume has been over an hour now. So much for getting to L'Manburg early, I suppose. I verify I have everything I need again. Lock pick (bobby pin)? Check. Clothes? Check. Food? Check. Weapons? I'll grab them on my way out. All I need is for my stupid brother and his friends to leave. But instead? I got the opposite. Something much worse. I get my best friends, Tommy and Tubbo, knocked unconscious, taken to my cell by Dream and Sapnap. "Take care of these two while we're gone" Dream says, with Sapnap laughing in the background, as they leave. I look at Tommy and Tubbo, still unconscious, and my eyes almost brim with tears. They got hurt, and why. I need to get them out. Before something worse than what is happening to me happens to them.

Tommy POV

A few hours earlier

"OI! Dickhead! You coming?" I yell to Tubbo, who's so extremely far behind me. "You want to fucking save Y/N on not!" I yell again. "I'm coming, sheesh." Tubbo replied, catching his breath. "What's the plan again?" he asked, continuing to walk. I have to think for a moment, as I got distracted by a fox and forgot. Stupid Fundy. "Um... We break in, we get the keys, unlock the cell, and we get our fucking way out of there." I say proudly. "That's still not much of a plan, Tommy." Tubbo sighs. "Shut up! It worked for the discs, so it'll work for freeing Y/N!" I exclaimed, and Tubbo laughed quietly. "I can't believe you compared Y/N to discs." he said, and we both burst out laughing. Then I smirk. "You're completely right, Tubbo. That's so unfair to the discs!" I commented, and we laughed even more. Well, we did before we made it to the base Eret told us about. It was a base, built into a large mountain, walls of obsidian. "Holy fucking shit"I say, as we stared up at the base in a mix of awe and fear. Tubbo trembled, and I gave him a hand on his shoulder. "We got this, king. For Y/N?" I ask, giving him a slight smile. "For Y/N!" Tubbo cheers, and gives me a hug. "Ewwww what the fuck get off me bitch" I gag, and we begin to head into the base.

Nobody was on guard. It was really fucking weird. The base was empty. Every room, every hall, it was all empty. The silence was deafening, and both me and Tubbo couldn't stop looking everywhere, for some type of trap, some type of set-up, anything, but nothing happened. Finally, we turned the corner, and found a sign leading to the cells, where we assumed Y/N was being kept in. We looked at each other, and grinned, and started running towards the doors to the cells. I start to open the door, until I realize that Tubbo wasn't beside me anymore. I look around. Nothing. "Tubs?" I call, looking around. I hear shuffling noises, but I can't see him, or anyone else for that matter. "This isn't funny, Tubbo..." I warn, walking around, when suddenly, I get grabbed from the back. It was Sapnap! "You bitch!" I yell. "How nice of you to visit, Tommy" says Dream, appearing from around the corner. "What did you do with Tubbo!" I yelled again, causing Dream to laugh. "Oh, you'll see in a bit." he replied, smirking. "You fucked up-" I started to say, until I felt a sharp, stinging pain on the back of my head. I fall, feeling like I'm in slow motion, when everything goes black.

A/N: ooooh there is so much I want to say, but I can't. Also, I'd really appreciate it if you joined my discord server. It'll help me interact with you all, and I'll put spoilers, listen to your ideas, etc. It'll be a nice, chill space to chat, make new friends, and have fun as well! Here's the link: . Shoutout to ABirdWithoutFeathers on AO3, who made a how to write TommyInnit guide, which was helpful for this chapter. TYSM :D. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1151 words! :)

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