Chapter 23: Family Reunion

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It's been one week since the stargazing incident. It's been one week since I had a proper conversation with Wilbur. It's been one week since I started hanging out mainly with Eret. He's a nice guy to talk to, I trust him wholeheartedly, with my life, soul, and everything in between. That's why I told him about what happened, between me and Wilbur, I mean. He stuck with me. He's like the brother I wish I had. So far there has been no word from the Dream SMP, not from Dream, not from Alyssa, not from Sapnap, George, nothing. I would be happy, would think they finally stopped, but I know better. I know him better. Breaking out of my deep thought, I check the clock, after being lost in thought and zoning out, it was sad to see it was 2 in the morning. My sleep schedule is really shitty. However, I know I won't be able to sleep, so I decide to walk around the halls. Signs, photos, windows showing areas that were soothing to the soul, I was almost at peace. Well, until I heard the floor creak. I reach for my sword, before realizing I left in my room. "Looking for this" a voice asks, almost mockingly. "Dream" I growl, as the person in the shadows emerges, holding my sword. "Hello, Y/N. It's been a while" he says, walking towards me, arms outstretched as if he was going to give me a hug. "Get the fuck away from me" I say, getting in my fighting stance. I may not have my sword, but I will put up one hell of a fight. "Now, is that any way to talk to your brother" he says, looking around, before dragging me to an empty room, which was mine, coincidently, and closing the door. "Let me go, you arsehole!" I say, trying to break free from his grip. "Keep your voice down. No one can know I'm here, and if you make a sound, well, Alyssa will hurt that little boyfriend of yours if she gets the signal." he says, before removing his mask and smiling kindly. The past few weeks have not been kind to him, he grew a slight beard, and gained a bunch of wrinkles on his forehead. "I've missed you, can you come home now?" he asks, looking at me with a sad look. "You working with Alyssa is exactly why I didn't come back." I say angrily. Dream takes off my mask, and looks at it with a blank expression. Nice mask. Is it new? I prefer the smiley one though" he comments. "I didn't ask for your opinion" I spat, venom lacing my voice. If looks could kill, we both would be 6 feet under by the glares we were giving each other. The silence was deafening. "What changed Y/N" Dream asked, breaking the silence. "You'd do anything for me before, even without being allowed on those missions" Dream said, staring me down. "You know what else would've been a good idea? Not hanging out with the person who got me kidnapped" I snapped, crossing my arms angrily. "Wow, you won't let this go, will you" he said, rolling his eyes. "Very well, put your mask on. George!" he calls, barely giving me enough time to put on my mask. George walks into the room, looking strangely worried. "George, did you forget you were supposed to bring Alyssa when I called you?" Dream asked, sounding annoyed. "Yeah... about that... she's missing" George says, before looking at me. "And so is Wilbur." I saw red, and screamed, punching Dream, with him barely dodging. "Y/N, I'm-" he starts, before I grab my sword from his hand, and point it at him. "You FUCKED up" I yelled, fury lashing through my words. "Y/N- wait! I can fix this, I can help!" Dream said, looking scared, probably for the first time in his ego filled life. "You better, or I'll bring the whole house of cards tumbling down. I know things. Things you wouldn't want people knowing, so you better help find Wilbur" I say, sword still at his throat. Dream nods, trembling slightly. I remove the sword, and look at George. He was staring at me in shock. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he looked away. Then, we walk out the door. "Don't worry Wilbur. We're coming".

Wilbur POV

It's been one week since that stargazing incident. That night is what I think about every morning when I wake up, and every night before I fall asleep. I hope she thinks about it too, though it's doubtful. She has been avoiding me ever since that night. I talked to Tommy and Tubbo about it, where they shook their heads and sighed in disappointment. "Wilbur, you fucked up" Tommy said. "She obviously likes you, and was hoping you were going to ask her out. You then said you liked cheese." Tubbo added. "You are an idiot" Tommy then said, which made me feel bad, 1: For not realizing sooner, and 2: For being told all this from a child. I've tried to talk to Y/N after all this information was given to me, but she was still avoiding me. Which really sucked. So I decided to go to my room, and think of what to do next. What could fix this? I really messed up. So I decided to go to the one and only Eret, the person who Y/N has been spending most of her time with. I walk to the garden, where he was sitting. "Hey Eret" I say. "Oh! Wilbur, hi! Here, sit beside me" he says, moving over on the bench. "Oh, um, thanks." I smile, sitting down. "So what do I owe this pleasure?" Eret asks. "I um, need some advice, and you seemed the best person to give it" I reply, smiling awkwardly. "Oh? Well I'll try my best" he says. "Ok, so I kinda messed up on a picnic me and Y/N had, I'm sure she told you about it?" I ask, to which he nods with a grimace. "Yeah... she's kinda mad about that" he cringes. "What do I do, Eret?" I sigh. "I messed up, big time." Eret stares into the distance for a few seconds, thinking. "First, take a shower, cause no offence, but you smell. Secondly, go and tell her how you really feel. Because beating around the bush won't get you anywhere." I smiled. "Thanks Eret, you are the best, I'm so glad to have you as a member of our great nation, and as a friend. He smiled weakly before I left, back to my room, to get ready to talk to Y/N. I practically ran, Eret's advice giving me the boost I needed, I open the door, only to stop short. For someone was already in there waiting. Alyssa. That's when everything went black.

A/N: Hello, sorry for not updating. I had a writer's block, and then I kinda forgot. But here I am! Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1242 words! :)

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