Chapter 28: It Was Never Meant to Be

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They tell you not to let them break you, not to let them win, but that's pretty hard when they take the life of everyone you love, right in front of your eyes. As Punz brings his sword down on Wilbur, and I desperately try to get out of Dream and Sapnaps hold, memories flash before my eyes. Like when we first met, me being taken into L'Manburg by the children, as a hostage, and Wilbur being there. Or the time when Jack and I had that argument in the prison, and I stole the key. He found it, yet never admitted it, to give me a chance. And the time when Wilbur and I had the picnic under the stars, and as he let me go, he repeated the words I said to him earlier that day, when I asked him what we'd be. "We will be enemies, and always will be until the day when L'Manburg is destroyed and gone." Is today that day? They all got killed, lost all the armour and weapons and potions they had on them. They lost a life, and they got betrayed by one who they called a friend. We all did. So what are we now? Punz's sword glistens, and as I try to escape, while I try to look away from it, to avoid seeing his dead body. I already saw it happen. I could pretend it never did if I just don't look. But Dream noticed, and forced my head to look at him. His dead body. Their dead bodies. All of my friends, lying there, dead. "And it's all your fault" Dream sneered, almost reading my mind. "If you had just left, or come back, all this could've been prevented." he says, shaking his head. Tears pour out of my eyes, as the scene flashes through my head, over, and over, and over, and over. "You have 7 days to fix this, Y/N. Either L'Manburg surrenders, or you leave, I don't care. But it better get done" Dream threatens, before giving a high five to the group and leaving, until it's just me, in the control room, with dead bodies lying on the ground around me, if my friends, and my love. It was all my fault. They lost their canon life's because of me. Right? No, it's not my fault, Dreams a fucking lunatic. Or is it. I feel like my brain is going in circles, and I can't stop it. So I decide to do the one thing I can do. Try to help them. And to do that, I need totems. And the only person who has them is Dream, who lefts moment before. If I hurry, I can get them before he gets back. I run faster than I ever have before, desperate to save their lives. The scene flashes, over, and over, and over, with each step I take, another flashback of their death. Tommy and Tubbo, barely 16, none of them deserved it. I keep running, until I see the base, and I jump through the window that has the totems. I open the chest, only to see nothing there. "Y/N?" a voice says, and I look over to Eret, totems in hand. I shove him to the wall, sword to his neck. "Woah! Y/N. Just take the totems!" Eret says, and shoves them in my hand. I take them, but still keep my sword to his throat. "They trusted you, I trusted you, and you still betrayed us." I say, a single tear song down my face. "You killed them, now why shouldn't I do the same" I mutter, and he gulps. "Cause, Dream is going to be here soon?" Eret says, and he was right. Dream would be there any moment. "Tell anyone I was here, and you won't be here for much longer" I threaten, before jumping out the window, and running back to L'Manburg. I run as fast as I can, the sweet forest air not smelling so sweet anymore, instead smelling of blood. Finally, I get there, and put the totems in everyone's hand. I really hope it works...

Wilbur POV

One month. One month spent alone, in a train station, dull and void of all life. Nothing there except me, a deck of cards, and my hope, which gets smaller and smaller every moment that passes. After everything we've been through, everything we've said, and done. I got fooled by Eret. And now we were all killed. I hope Y/N is okay. I hope we can find a way to get through this, somehow see each other. I hope I can find a way to escape, as I couldn't find anything to lead to my escape, and I can feel the isolation slowly lead to my insanity. But until then, I play cards, and look for means to escape. Which I do, day after day, and have done, day after day, until today. Something is different. Something, is coming. And I don't know if it's good or bad." Hello, Wilbur" a feminine voice says, and I jump in surprise. Behind me is a middle-aged woman, wearing a deep, purple, hat and dress, accented with gold. A woman I knew too well. "Kristin?" I ask, just to make sure it wasn't me losing my mind. She nodded, and I ran towards her, wrapping her in a massive hug. Kristin, the goddess of death, Mrs. Minecraft, Kristin, my mom. "What are you doing here?" I ask. I rarely ever see Kristin, because she is busy with her godly duties, so I was mainly raised by Phil. Not that I hold it against her, though. She is a goddess, she can't help it. "I came to see you, Wilbur," she replies, smiling at me sadly. I noticed the sad look, and couldn't help but ask. "Hey, are you okay?" I say, looking at her quizzically. She smiled, an obviously fake smile. "Yes, everything's perfect. I actually came to bring you back. It's not your time." she says, and on cue, the first train I've seen since I've gotten here rolls up and blasts its horn. "Oh, that's awesome!" I say, and hug Kristen tightly. "Thank you!" I say, and I start running to the train, desperate to get out of this place. I hope on the train, and look back at Kristin. "Don't thank me, thank her." she says with a smile and winks. Before I could ask what she meant, the train started moving, and I was surrounded by light. 

No Ones POV

No one would ever expect to see a goddess crying, especially in an abandoned train station, but it happened. If you happened to be in Limbo (the Underworld), and see it the same way, you'd see, not a goddess crying alone, but a mother, crying for her child. Gods and goddesses are all-knowing, of past, and future, and her son's future, is not pleasant. It's stuck in a loop, the past, the future, the present, all unchangeable, and that's what hurt her the most. Not what would happen, but the fact that she knew, and could tell him, or prevent it. 

A/N: We are coming up to the final stretch, folks! I hope you enjoy the new cover I added, it'll make sense when you see the sequels cover. Be sure to check that out when it comes out! Anyway, if you have any suggestions/other things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1302 words :)

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