Chapter 32: The Favour

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A/N Ok, I got a new phone case the other day, and I wanted to share it with all of you

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

A/N Ok, I got a new phone case the other day, and I wanted to share it with all of you. My old phone case was kinda destroyed, so I'm happy I got this new one, especially with it being DSMP themed. Anyway, enjoy the chapter, everyone! :)


The two spin around, aiming their bows at each other. The aftermath of the poison makes it harder for them to concentrate properly, their muscles straining with every move. Arrows fly through the air. Tommy jumps into the pond, trying to use the water to his advantage, swimming below the bridge to ambush Dream from the other side. But his decision becomes fatal when Dream's arrow finds its home in Tommy's rib cage. I scream, and work harder to escape from their grasp, when they let go, and I run over to him. "Tommy, wake up, wake up" I beg, splashing water on his face. The rest of L'Manburg surrounds us. Tommy wakes up, barely. "Niki, grab a healing potion, quick!" I yell, and she nods, and grabs one out of the first aid kit she carries around everywhere. "Thank god you weren't killed by that arrow." I said, and he grimaced, drinking the potion. Then, Dream called out, finding this all amusing. "Now... Tommy. I'm expecting Mellohi to be given to me." he yelled, and my heart stopped for a moment, before I start walking up to Dream, sword in the ready. "You asshole! I can't believe you would stoop this low. Shooting a child! You could've killed him! And now you're expecting him to give you one of his most prized possessions, right after being shot. You're, a monster!" I rant, and he just shakes his head. "And you're annoying" Dream replies, crossing his arms. "Why you little-" I start, before I hear a voice yell, "STOP!". We both turn to see Tommy, drinking another potion, but almost fully healed, thanks to Niki. "Dream, can we talk separately, for a second, please?" he asks weakly, and Dream nods silently. They walk off, and I clench my fists, sending a glare at the rest of the Dream Team, before walking back to L'Manburg. I just hope everything goes smoothly, because I swear, if my green blob of a brother hurts a single hair on Tommy's head, I will make him pay.

Tommy POV

We walk to the prime path, far, far, away from where everyone else is. I take a deep breath, looking at L'Manburg. "Dream, I know what you want." I say, dreading what's about to come out of my mouth, but knowing it's necessary for the revolution. "Well, I want-" Dream starts, but I cut him off. "I'll do this for L'Manberg. I'll give you both of the discs if you let us have our independence. Both of them." I emphasize. This offer has to be something he wants, he's always tried to get my discs. If this doesn't get L'Manburg the freedom it deserves, I don't know what will. "Wait-" Dream says, shocked. "That is... a very, very interesting deal." he says finally. I stay silent. Was giving up my most prized possessions worth it? I started doubting my decision. But I can't go back now. "That is very selfless of you. Those are your discs." he remarked. "For L'Manberg... you know? For Wilbur, for Tubbo... Not for Eret!" I say, rolling my eyes. Fuck Eret, that bitch. He fucked up. "I'll give you both of my discs and in return, you grant us, Wilbur's country, independence." I state. Dream stays silent, pondering the deal, on what he gains from it. "Okay. I will... How about this? I grant you technical independence for both discs. Which would mean no war, but we still consider that you are a part of the Dream SMP." he bargains. I roll my eyes. Idiot. "Yeah, that's just you being deluded, that's fine." I say, rolling my eyes. I think Y/N got all the brains from this family, although it isn't much. At least she had the brains to stay in L'Manburg. "It's not. We just, basically, we won't fight you unless we have a really good reason to." Dream replies. I shrug. "Okay. Well, that sounds like exactly what I just described. So, independence." I say, putting emphasis on the word, as Dream is dumb and wouldn't know what I'm talking about. "Independence." Dream repeated. "We will not go into your grounds unless we're allowed, and we will not attack you-" Dream states, and I nod. "Just independence, man. Just independence."

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