Chapter 14: TNT Go Boom

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As I laid in my warm, fluffy, bed, I think about how I felt back when I lived in the SMP, and realized, it never felt nearly as good as this. Until the next morning, when my stomach plummeted as I heard shouting outside my room. 

I look out the window, and the first thing I see is Dream holding flint and steel in front of the TNT. I see red, and start to leave the room when Tubbo stops me in front of the door. "Wilbur thinks it would be safer if you stayed in your room." Tubbo said, looking at me worriedly. "I've never been one to sit in my room willingly while the action has been going on. Do you want to come with?" I ask, stepping past Tubbo and looking back to see his response, to which he shrugs and starts to follow. "If Wilbur gets mad, it's your fault." he states. We walk outside, to a sight that made my blood boil even more. On one side, stood Wilbur, Tommy, and the other main people of L'Manburg, and on the other side stood Dream, George, Sapnap, and Alyssa. Tubbo holds me back from running and beating Alyssa up, or worse. Wilbur happens to turn to look at me, and his eyes widen, but then go back to calm. Dream catches this look and turns to look towards me, and smirks. "And who's this, Wilbur? Your girlfriend?" he laughs. I've never seen the side of Dream that interacts with L'Manburg before, and it shocks me. When I lived on the SMP, I was sure that we were the good guys, but now? I know it's the opposite. Another thing that shocks me is how he didn't recognize me, but I guess the outfit and mask change makes me look different. The good thing is I can use this to my advantage. "Why is she wearing a mask? Must be a fan of me" Dream gloats, and I snap back, lowering my voice to disguise it. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't know you invented the idea of wearing a mask." I say, annoyance seeping through my voice. Dream growls, and I snicker. If only he knew how many times I heard him practising that very growl in his room, which was right next to mine. My snickering did not please Dream, apparently, and he puts his hand on his hilt of his axe. Wilbur tries to dissolve the situation, with some diplomatic words of wisdom. "Dream, she isn't involved in this. Now, please leave our property." Wilbur says sternly. Dream, George, and Alyssa take a step back, but Sapnap, with his short fuse, starts running towards me and Wilbur with his sword when I stick my foot out at the last second to trip him, which causes him to fall face first to the ground. Everyone takes a breath in shock, and I put a sword to his throat. "Drop your sword", I command, and he does as he's told. "Get up, slowly, and leave" I order, and he gets up, and with my sword to his throat, walks towards the border, where Dream, George, and Alyssa stood there, mouths agape, still shocked over the events. Alyssa looked over at Dream for a split second, and I could see her desire to make Dream proud, and there is only one way to do that. To win. I saw her move before she saw mine, where she lunged at me with her sword, as I shoved Sapnap out of the way and out of the border. I twisted Alyssa's arm, and made her drop her sword, slashing her at her side, causing her to yelp in pain. "Piss off Alyssa, don't make this be the last thing you do" I snarl before throwing her to Dream. "Who are you, and who taught you so well?" Dream asked, looking at me with a look that I have long discovered was curiosity and respect. I didn't want to give myself away quite yet, yet I wanted to give him a hint to what he lost. "Who taught me? Oh, I think you'd get along with him quite nicely, you two are quite alike" I laughed, and started to walk away, which caused Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo to smirk, knowing exactly what I mean, and thinking it was hilarious. Dream, being the idiot brother he is, says the dumbest thing in the history of dumb. "Technoblade?" he asks, and it was dumb enough to cause me to stop walking, and look at him. In unison, me, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and the rest of L'Manburg look at Dream, and say "bruh". "I can't believe you don't recognize your own-" but was cut off by an elbow by Tubbo. I then walk away. "Wait! Surrender or I will blow up that piece of TNT. I can do it while still outside your border." Dream warns. "Do it" I say seriously, and we all walk inside the hto dog van, leaving the 4 extremely confused. Dream just shrugs and blows it up, which hardly damages anything, and we all laugh as he gets angry. "This isn't over!" Alyssa yells, and before anyone can stop me, I start sprinting towards her, which causes her to scream and run. Me and her start spinting, until we are far, far away, from all of them. "Who are you" she asks timidly. "Your worst nightmare. Tell Dream the truth, and leave the SMP, or I swear your existence will be more miserable than it already is." I swear. "What truth?" Alyssa asks, trying to play dumb. "Wow Alyssa." I say, shaking my head. Suddenly, I hear Dream shouting in the distance. "I can't believe I ever considered you a friend, you backstabber!" I say, before punching her and starting to leave. "Wait... Y/N?" she asks with a weird look on her face. "Leave L'Manburg alone, and never come back." I demand, as I run back to L'Manburg.

A/N: Dry chapter, I know, sorry. Have a terrible headache, rn, I'll try to do better on the next chapter. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1065 words. 

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