Chapter 27: The Secret Weapon

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We all ran back to L'Manburg, with oddly nobody chasing us. However, we still didn't stop running until we got safely inside L'Manburg, where we all met up inside the drug van. "So, what's the plan?" I ask, getting straight to business. "My estimate is that the Dream Team will be here any minute, to hit us while we're low on power, and because... well" Thunder said, before looking at me. The promise. Dream will be there to collect. But we couldn't focus on that. "What do we have, in terms of supplies? "So glad you asked, Y/N. I took the liberty of making everyone some armour, except for you, because you have a bunch of your own" he said, being serious for possibly the first time in his life. "Wow, Tommy. That's... actually useful" I say, as he hands out the armour. "You all are forgetting the first rule of L'Manburg. We fight with our words. Not with our armour or weapons." Wilbur says stubbornly, throwing his armour into the water. I signal Tommy to go get it, and talk to Wilbur about how dumb that rule is, especially now. "Wil, I support you, and I support L'Manburg, but we won't have a L'Manburg if we don't fight back, and defend our nation" I say. Wilbur looks like he is about to say something, when Eret interrupts. "I, um, was grinding for a bit a couple of days ago, and I made a secret weapon that I think could help us defeat them." Eret said, almost nervously. Everyone's head turned and stared at him, not knowing how to process the information. A secret weapon? We could actually win this! "Yes! Eret this is great! What is this weapon?" I ask, wanting to make a plan for it. "Um... It's easier to show you than explain. Also, we never know when they're listening" he says, and I nod. "Ok then Eret, well, show us this secret weapon!" Tommy says, rolling his eyes for who knows why. "Sure, let's go!" Eret says. We all start to follow, until he stops me. "Y/N, how about you stay here, and defend L'Manburg, in case Dream comes to try to destroy it while we're gone?" Eret asks. "I was actually hoping to come, so I could help make a plan to use it to help us win?" I say, confused. Eret looked like he was about to protest, when Wilbur interrupted. "She definitely needs to come, I'll need to talk strategy with her and Jack, now if you'll excuse me, I need to speak to Y/N for a few seconds." Wilbur says, casually dragging me away by the arm. "Thanks" I mutter, to which he smirks. "You looked very awkward back there" he commented with a laugh. "Yeah... is it just me, or is Eret acting different?" I ask. Out of all the time I've spent with him, especially when I was avoiding Wilbur, he acted friendly, kind, funny, and confident. Now, he's quiet, nervous, and jumpy. "Oh, it's probably just the nerves from earlier, and being worried about the war. We are in the final stretch" Wilbur said. "Don't worry, Y/N" he grinned, and I smiled wearily. Still... oh whatever, it's fine. Like Wilbur said, probably just my nerves and his. Soon, everyone collected their stuff (just in case of an attack on the way there), and we left, walking and chatting amongst ourselves, while I stay deep in thought, about the plan, the war, and the future. "Hey Y/N?" Wilbur asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about the 'incident', and I wish I came to talk to you about it sooner." he said, looking down at the ground. "Oh, it's no problem. To be honest, I forgave you a while back, I was just too stubborn to admit it" I laughed. And by then, it was too late. Alyssa decided to be a dick and kidnap Wilbur. "I also wanted to say, just in case anything happens, that I, um, I like you. A lot" he mutters, face turning pink. I could feel my face heating up. But instead of admitting it like a normal person, I came up with the dumbest excuse in history. "Took you long enough" I said with a smirk. Wilbur froze for a few seconds. "Wot? You like me too?" he said, looking surprised. "I literally kissed you. How oblivious are you?" I say, dumbfounded. "Very, apparently" he replied, looking embarrassed. I take off my mask, and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Does this make it more obvious?" I ask. Wilbur starts cosplaying a tomato. "... Yeah..." he replies. "Can we address this more later when we get back? I feel like this is a conversation that shouldn't be had while walking to a weapon." I say, and he laughs. "Agreed" he says, and we start walking towards wherever Eret is leading us, each of us with the dumbest grins on our faces (mine not being seen, obviously. #maskproblems). Eret leads us outside the L'Manburg walls, and it's oddly quiet. Probably just nerves, again, but still. It felt weird, (like when you go to your elementary school to visit your old teachers when you are in high school, and you get the strange feeling that you don't belong). Finally, we get to a stack of dirt, where Eret digs down to reveal a deep, dark, tunnel. "Y/N, will you stay up here to protect the tunnel, just in case someone comes?" Eret asked. "Nah, I want to see this. I'm sure we'll be fine" I reply, trying to hide the fact that him not wanting me along hurt me, deeply. We were friends, what is wrong with coming, now? We begin to walk down the dark, ominous looking tunnel. Tommy starts humming the music from the castles in Super Mario, and we all begin to laugh, to hide the nervousness we were all obviously feeling. "L'Manburg strong!" Wilbur jokes, and we all laugh again. We walk deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until finally, we make it. "This is the Final Room. The Final Control Room" Eret says, and we look around in awe. A dark room filled with chests, each one with our name on it. But in the centre of the room, a button. We all go to our chests, excited, and curious about what's inside. I open mine quickly, imagining all the things that could be inside... when there's nothing in the chest. An uneasy feeling fills me, when Tommy asks, "What does this button do?", and presses the button. Suddenly, the walls open up, and all hell breaks loose. Sapnap, Punz, George and Dream come in, and starts attacking us all. There was no escape. I watch in horror as Sapnap kills Tubbo with his sword, taking away his canon life. I begin fighting him, out of anger, slashing him left and right in anger, when I see Tommy hit the ground next to me with a thud, falling while trying to escape Dream. Nikki and Thunder lay unconscious next to me, and I see red as Fundy and Wilbur are being pushed into the walls my George and Punz, barely given room to defend. But Sapnap and Dream begin teaming on me, preventing me from reaching them. Soon, Fundy gets knocked down, and Wilbur too. I double down, trying to reach them and save them, but it was useless. Then, Fundy got slain, and, with tears in my eyes, fighting to save Wilbur now, but it was no use. Sapnap, I could've handled, no problem, but Dream? The two of them together made it almost impossible for me to win. I looked at Wilbur, on the ground, which proved to be my downfall, as they disarmed me and held me back. "Down with the revolution, boys! It was never meant to be!" Eret yells, before looking at me. "Sorry Y/N. I had no desire for you to be a part of this, but you sealed your own fate." he said, looking away, only angering me more. "You traitor!" I spat, but he just walked, away. That's when Punz rose his sword, and slashed it down on Wilbur. I scream. 

A/N: Another long chapter, but, as you know, it's the control room, and I wanted to try my best to do it justice. It's one of my favourite moments of the DSMP, definitely top 3. So I watched the scene over and over while trying to get the deaths right and fitting it into the story. Shoutout to Blueberry TV, who makes short form videos of the DSMP to make it easier to recap on lore, and for helping me with this story with these videos. By the way, I am planning the ending, and I'm wondering if you want it extremely angsty or medium angst. There will certainly be angst, but I want to know how much/which way I'll write the ending (there are currently 2 possible scenarios). So please leave a comment on which you'll prefer! Anyway, if you have any suggestions/other things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1584 words :0

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