Chapter 29: Back to Life

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I put the totems in everyone's hands, and crossed my fingers it would work. If it didn't, well, I don't know what I'd do. To my relief, they all started waking up, groaning, stretching. I rushed and hugged them and helped them up, one at a time, until I came to Wil, who didn't move. I nudged him, when he shot up and screamed. We all jumped back in shot, not expecting the reaction. "Wilbur?" I ask, worried, and he looks at me. "What happened..." he asks, and I give him my hand to help him up. "Eret betrayed us, has our gear. Don't you remember?" I ask, and he nods. "Yeah... I do now. Let's go to the camarvan to discuss" he says, slowly getting up. I offer my arm as support, and the others start standing with us, feeling stronger than Wilbur, starting to walk there, slowly, on their own. The silence on the walk was deafening, all of us more discouraged than ever before, by the betrayer, of someone we all thought was a friend. "Wilbur" Dream calls, and we all look out to see him outside the walls, gesturing for him to come. "I think I need to negotiate with him. Alone." Wilbur says, and I shake my head. "Wilbur, no, Dream, he's a dangerous man! He'll do anything, anything, to get what he wants. You don't want to engage with him, especially alone." I say, practically begging for him not to go. He just plants a kiss on my forehead, smiles, and leaves. 

Wilbur POV

"Hello Dream" I say, as he walks away, me following close behind. "Where shall we meet?" he asks, ignoring me. "Dream, I wish to meet at the remains of our old embassy." I state, nervous about these negotiations. I regret going alone, especially after Y/N's warnings, but I don't want anyone else to get hurt, not again. "Okay" Dream shrugs, and starts walking over. "I'm not really in a bargaining position here. Look, Dream. Oh, let me arrive first, I'm not far behind" I say, running a bit ahead of him. When we arrive, I turn to him. "I can't believe you would - you'd put up our own men against us. You had a spy on the inside this whole time." I exclaim in shock and sadness. I considered Eret an ally, a friend even. His betrayal hit deep. Dream chuckles, which makes me want to punch him, well, if we weren't in the position we're in, anyway. "All is fair in a war." Dream shrugs, and I smile slightly, thinking of a quote I heard once. "And love" I say, thinking of Y/N. Was it fair, though? To bring her into this mess? Dream looks at me, and his expression tightens, showing he knew exactly what I was thinking. "That's true. That's true. Did you see it coming?" Dream asks, smug. "No, I didn't.", I answer truthfully. If only I did... then everything would be different right now. Dream chuckles again smugly, finding all so funny. I roll my eyes in disgust. "We just - We just came out of the walls." Dream laughs. "We were winning as well, that's the worst part. We were pushing you back!" I exclaim, fists clenched, and Dream stops laughing. "Well, we only pushed back because we wanted the - We knew we had this ambush ready, so..." he trailed off, and I narrow my eyes. "That's what you'd like to think" I thought. Nervousness fills my stomach, worrying that we'll never get the freedom we want, that all this pain, was in vain. "When - when you imprisoned our men, slayed us, uh... and you - you - your men essentially did great wrongs against my people, I- I let it go. I let it slide on the condition that we would have emancipation from you. We'd have our freedom, and we wouldn't have to reach a point of uh... disagreement that we were reaching, okay? Now, obviously, this didn't sit well with you. You didn't like the fact that I didn't whitelist you on my server." I say, and Dream rolls his eyes, expression darkening by the second. It reminds me of when Y/N was mad at me, when we first met. They really are siblings. I look past Dream, and see the walls of L'Manburg, which give e a small boost of confidence, the boost I needed. "That's my server over there, by the way. See that in the distance? See that right there? Yellow and black? That's my server." I point, and he shakes his head with a smirk. "I disagree, that's still mine." he says. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes again (I know, so many eye rolls), but I know that will do no good towards negotiations. "We don't wish for bloodshed. We don't wish for - for war. We don't wish to show our power in any way. We just want freedom. We just want... emancipation, independence. Okay, Dream? What we want-" I go on, until Dream interrupts me by taking out his axe, and plays around with it in his hands. "Okay, would you like to know what I want?" Dream asks, deadly silent. "What do you want, Dream?" I ask, worried about what it is he asks for. "I want white flags up of surrender, declaring that it is not independent land and that it is a part of the Dream Team SMP. I want Y/N, out, of L'Manburg, with no contact with you, or any of the other L'Manburgians. If this does not happen in the next 30 minutes, I will blow up all of L'Manberg. I have the power to." he threatens, and I stare at him, wide-eyed. This can't be possible, no way he would, he could... "You don't have the power or the capacity to blow up L'Manberg." I say, hoping it to be true, but part of me knows he probably does. "? Let's go to it. Let's go right now." Dream says with a smile, and begins to walk down, towards L'Manburg. 

 Woah, another chapter? I can't believe it! I'd like to give a big thank you to the people who run the Dream SMP transcripts website, which I used for the majority of this chapter, especially for the dialogue between Dream and Wilbur, to try to make it as close to the storyline as possible. That made writing this way easier. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/other things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1136 words :)

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