Chapter 26: Alyssa's Revenge

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Dream and I go outside the room, to see poor Callahan tied up outside the door. "Callahan!" I call and sit down beside him. He was the only person I missed from the SMP, although mute, a true friend. Unfortunately, he was also a true friend to Alyssa, extremely loyal, for reasons unknown to me. I immediately start untying him, when Dream stopped me. "What are you doing! He's Alyssa's best friend, other than Sophia, but she's dead. He'll escape!" Dream yelled and I glare. "Shut up for once in your life" I say, rolling my eyes. All kindness and happiness she shared moments prior was left in the other room. I untied his hands, and handed him a piece of paper and a pencil. You see, Callahan was a mute, and since most of the SMP doesn't know sign language (Dream was too busy on the warpath to learn it, or what I call, lazy), we usually give him something to write with. "Callahan, have you seen Alyssa recently?" I ask calmly. He shook his head no, which angered Dream. He was about to say something when I stared him down. Although I haven't spoken to Callahan in ages, and he's friends with the person I hate the most, I still consider him my friend. "Have you heard from her recently? Please, Callahan, this is important." I say urgently. "I promised not to tell" he wrote. And Callahan never breaks a promise. Never. His greatest strength, and his greatest weakness. "Please Callahan, we need to know, my friend, one of my best friends, she took him. And we need to save him. Please, just tell us anything you know" I plead, tears prickling my eyes. Callahan looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. "I can't tell you" he wrote, and I felt almost sick in the stomach. Another dead end. But Callahan wasn't finished yet. "I can't tell you. I promised. But I can show you."

Alyssa POV

Wilbur is boring. I don't know what Y/N sees in him. All he does is scale the walls of the cave, looking for exits, and look through the bars. Occasionally, he'll say something, which I barely care enough to listen to, let alone answer to. However, today, I'm bored. I just finished writing to Callahan, telling him everything, as he is my best friend (Yes, for real! Why does everyone ask, he is real, why don't you believe me?). Anyway, I had literally nothing to do, so I decided to taunt Wilbur a bit. "No one came for you yet? How does that feel?" I ask, standing near the bars. "Great reason to let me go" Wilbur replies, unmoving. "Oh, don't worry, they'll come, especially if I add a bit of, well let's just say... urgency." I say, holding flint and steel in my hands, smiling wickedly. Wilbur looks at the flint and steal and raises his eyebrow. "So you are going to lead her right to us? Seems kinda counter-productive, don't you think?" he comments, and I roll my eyes. "Actually, it helps kill 2 birds with one stone. One, I get Y/N, and possibly her brother, here, and two, I get to make her suffer, by watching you suffer" I smile, playing with the flint and steel in my hands. "Someone once told me that being burned alive is the most painful way to die. I wonder if it's the most painful way to watch as well." I say, closing my eyes. "After all, a little arson never hurt nobody".


Callahan, Dream, Sapnap, George, and I have been walking for almost 3 hours straight, with every second passing, more of me worries that Callahan was leading us the wrong way all this time, and more of me worries what is happening to Wilbur. The only thing keeping me sane, surprisingly, is Dream. Yes, I hated him, and still do. But he is my brother, and I believe in second chances. Especially the part of me who wore his mask, who lived on the SMP with him. Who laughs at his stupid jokes, still, after all this time. Except, when I saw fire, emerging from the trees ahead of us. That's when I began to run, the others close behind. Except Callahan, who stayed behind, standing, giving me a nod, of both explanation and encouragement. I understood. Despite it all, Alyssa was still his friend. And Callahan is loyal to the end. The farther I ran, the thicker the fire became, until I came upon where the fire started. And the person who started. Before I could say anything, the bitch spoke. "Took you long enough. I thought that poor little L'Manburgian boy would die without an audience." she smirked, and I turned towards Wilbur, trapped in a cave, which was filled with dry straw, fire, and smoke. I immediately see the keyhole of the bars to let Wilbur go, and the key in her pocket. And that's when I decided to attack. As I grabbed my sword and lunged at her, she quickly grabbed hers and deflected. I began to push her back, farther and farther, my strength overpowering hers, she smiled. And that's when I knew something was coming. After all, she saw me fight. She saw Dream and me, with those countless hours of training, the night I earned the right to go on that mission. She knew she couldn't beat me. I lunge for the key, when I get hit in the back of the head, and fall to the ground. I feel myself being restrained, being tightly tied up in thick rope to a tree. That's when I look up to see everyone's favourite mercenary. "Punz" I growl, before looking at Wilbur. He looks tired, and is continuously coughing with the smoke, being surrounded by the flames. One step in any direction would be his downfall. "Long time no see, Y/N. Hate to do this to you, but, you know, money is money" he grinned. Cause that's all he cares about, all he wants, and all he loves. Money. As I desperately fight my restraints, trying to save the one I care for the most, I look over at Dream, who has a thoughtful expression on his face. "Dream! Do something!" I yell, and he turns to me with an evil smirk on his face. "Promise you'll leave their side! Then I will." he smiled, Sapnap and George turn to him with a shocked expression. Sapnap looks like he wants to say something, but he can't. Dream was his friend first. Time was ticking, and Wilbur was staring at me, not saying anything, but I could feel him trying to make me say no. But I knew what I had to do. "I promise, just save him!" I cry, tears starting to form. He nods, and jumps into action, fighting Punz, while George and Sapnap collect water to put out the fire. Alyssa, however, looked raging mad, and started running towards me, sword in hand. "Well fuck. I'm screwed." I thought, when just before she could swing her sword, someone blocks it with one of their own. "Eret?" I say confused, when Tommy and Tubbo appear, and untie me while Eret keeps Alyssa busy. "How did you know we were here?" I say, feeling the ropes around me loosen. "Long story short, Tommy found your note, convinced everyone to come, and we began to search. Then, we found someone in the woods, and they brought us here. He didn't talk much, but seemed like a nice fellow." Tubbo says, smiling widely. "Tommy found the note?" I ask skeptically, grabbing my sword, and taking a look around to see all the chaos. "Yeah dickhead?!" Tommy yells, but I'm not paying attention anymore. I am looking at the key, in Alyssa's pocket, who is too busy fighting Eret, equally skilled, to notice anything around her. I run towards her, and grab the key from her pocket, and then run to Wilbur. Unlocking the cell, we lock ourselves in a long embrace, unaware of what's happening around us. Then he looks at me worriedly. "The promise-" he starts, but I stop him. "Not the time, we need to get out of here." I say, and point. The two opposing sides of the war begin to fight, with Punz on Dream's side once again, and Alyssa nowhere to be found. "Ready to run?" I ask him, and he nods. "Retreat!" I yell, with all the L'Manburgians looking at me, and running back, before Dream and his side even knew what was happening.

A/N: Long chapter, huh! I'm sorry, but I needed to add all of this to set up for the end (Yes it's coming :'( but don't worry, I'll do a sequel). Also, some people have been comment and voting on my story recently, and it has really made my day. I know these might be annoying, but please don't be a silent reader. Comments and votes make these chapters much easier to write. (Btw, the two that commented, I hope you see the Easter eggs I put in for you, and I hope you enjoyed them). Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1598 words! :0

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