Chapter 9

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Is it done? The mysterious voice asked through the floor mirror Are the kingdoms at each other's throats?

The man nodded and said "Yes, the southern kingdoms of Ewllye, Melisande and Fenharrow have allied themselves against Adarlan."

The shadow in the mirror gave a soft laugh, the man had never seen what the creature on the other side of the mirror looked like but he knew what it was—what he was. Though it wasn't his place to ask why his superiors had thought it necessary to cooperate with them, especially after these creatures lost the war.

The being then asked What about Terassen, what have they decided. The man spoke "As expected they have sided with Adarlan, the Witch Kingdom has as well." The being said in an amused tone All is going along just as we planned. You humans are too gullible for your own good.

The man said "We're not as gullible as you think, Ansel has proclaimed neutrality as she and her royal guard want to continue to hunt us down."

Then we will have to move along a bit quicker. The sooner Briarcliff falls under your Masters's hands and you create a stronghold for us to pass over, the sooner this world falls under our thumb again. The being said

The man asked "And what of your prisoner, the Lesser Wyrd Master, he is a student of ours and we don't like him being kept and tortured in your castle.

The creature laughed, as if delighted and said Then he shouldn't have come to my world, plus he's in my brother's castle. He is a small price to pay for our continued cooperation. You do want this world under your control don't you?

The man sighed and said "Yes, and unlike the foolish former king of Adarlan we've found ways to make sure you don't betray us and take over yourself." The creature gave a sigh and said I will not hide my disappointment, you humans are a crafty bunch. For now tell your masters to continue with their plan of preparing an attack on the castle. The death of Ansel is beneficial for us all.

The mirror then went dark as the being closed the connection from the other side. The man sighed, why did he have to run errands between the Masters of the the Wyrd and the Valg King. As a matter of fact why did they have to work with the Valg. Hadn't they learnt their lesson when the former King Of Adarlan fell under their control and ended up with a fate worse then death?

Nevertheless it wasn't up to the man to question what the Masters wanted. He was just a lower Wyrd learner, he had no choice but to follow orders, and although he didn't mind, some days, like today, he was wondering if it was better that he hadn't joined this cult.


Orcus walked out of the room with the mirror, those humans...they were so messy to deal with, so annoying. Nothing like the Valg he ruled over. Though he was glad for a change, things were getting boring ever since Mantyx left with the Prisoner, to gather more information. He would return today, to hear what the humans had to say and to update him with news on the Prisoner, once Orcus would doubt whether his brother was loyal and wouldn't use the Prisoner's knowledge against him–but after all these wars and conquests, Orcus knew he could trust his younger brother, especially after the death of Erawan.

Erawan...Orcus always loved his youngest brother, he was the most intuitive of the 3, yet the weakest as well. Orcus had sworn he would avenge him the day he learnt of his demise.

He walked into his war room (where he and his commanders plan and strategise). There was a round table with maps of all the worlds under his domain. Mantyx was already there, sitting on one of the chairs. Orcus grunted a greeting and sat down in the chair opposite to him.

Orcus asked his younger brother "Any updates on the Prisoner?" Mantyx nodded and said "He broke more easily then I liked, took the fun out of the torture, now he's spewing all the secrets of these so called Wyrd Masters, at least all that he knows anyways". Orcus gave him a nod of his head and said "And what of the secret weapon that the humans have to prevent us from betraying them, does the Prisoner know anything of that?"

Mantyx shook his head and said "No he does not, either he is too low ranking and wasn't told or someone has spelled his mind to not say anything. Speaking of which, I did find a few Wyrd runes etched into his mind to hide some type of secret. Since your known to be able to break past runes like these I thought to bring the Prisoner for you too inspect. He's currently in your deepest, darkest dungeon." Orcus replied "Give me a day or 2 and we'll find out what's behind those ruins, it could shatter the man's soul and break his mind, but it is a risk I am willing to take, not to mention how fun it'll be seeing him scream and beg."

Mantyx gave him a crooked grin and asked "What about the humans, are they ready for us to join them in their dimension?" Orcus sighed and said "They're too careful, and although it is good that they take everything into makes it so our inevitable entrance into their realm is delayed. Fortunately it gives us enough time to prepare our armies". Mantyx nodded saying "Don't worry brother, we'll find a way past these measures the Wyrd Masters have set up. And we'll add Erilea to our collection of conquered realms as well."

Orcus gave a cruel smile and said "Agreed, we have our youngest brother to avenge. And, I have a few specific people in mind". Mantyx smiled as well and said "Ah yes, we will find Aelin Galathynius, Dorian Havilliard and Yrene Towers, and we'll make sure that the pain and humiliation they dealt to Erawan will be a miniscule compared to what we do to them...and their allies".

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