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The King entered the dark gloomy room, he looked around and saw the throne and the 2 valg Princes next to it, next to the throne was a massive window outside of which a dark and gloomy world beckoned, it had once been filled with sun and light and love but after it had been conquered by his brother it became the capital of his side of the empire which the 3 brothers shared.

Speaking of his brother, the dark king sat upon his throne smiling at the man, who himself was the third of the 3 Valg kings. The king on the throne was wearing armour made of shadow, his human like body was pure white in colour with hair blacker then night, his blue eyes were staring straight at his brother who stood Infront of the throne, that king was wearing the same armour except it was less dark and his hair was the same shade of black, he looked back at the seated king with his yellow eyes, these were the 2 brothers of Erawan-Orcus and Mantyx, with the strongest one; Orcus, lounging on his throne. Mantyx said to his brother in a voice colder then the coldest winds "Hello brother, good to see your still alive and conquering". Orcus replied "Hello Mantyx, let's stop the pleasant greetings shall we, you came for a reason after all."

Mantyx sighed in boredom, Orcus was the most oldest of the 3 kings and was the most serious, the only reason Mantyx was visiting his brother instead of Orcus visiting him was because Orcus was more powerful, and had more land.

"Fine, let us get down to business, I'm here to talk about something that I'm sure shocked you as much as it did me. The death of our dear younger brother, Erawan" said Mantyx. Orcus sat up straight and said "I suppose you are right, we must get down to busines" he signalled the 2 valg Princes, his generals probably, who knelt before the 2 kings and then left. After they left, Mantyx said "I'm sure you've heard the terrible news, our dear younger brother Erawan was killed, by those wretched things in that world we were defeated in, what's it called..Ah yes Erilea." Orcus growled in anger and said "Yes, I heard, even though time is different in this planet, it goes much slower as you know, I heard. Even though we had our differences, I dearly miss him". Mantyx sighed, he too dearly missed his younger brother.

Nevertheless he was here for something which might seem selfish to most, but was for the good of the Valg. So he said "Now that a long time has passed since his demise, and no other worthy Valg has risen to claim the throne, I suggest we devide his lands among ourselves, I suggest using the Astrix realm and dividing it in 2, it was Erawan's capital and in the center of his part of the empire, we can devide Astrix in half and his kingdom as well". Orcus stood up in rage and half said half shouted at his brother "Our youngest brother, Erawan just died and you already want to divide his kingdom!? Have you no shame!" Mantyx flinched at the rage but said "Orcus, his kingdom is in utter chaos, has been since the day he vanished, if we do not take it then it will fall into some other idiot's hands or worse split apart into smaller kingdoms. I am doing this for the safety of the Valg there. Listen to reason". Orcus calmed down and said "hmm, fine I see your point, even for a cruel king you have some sense, fine we will do as you say, but I'm interested in something far greater. Revenge."

Mantyx gave his brother a cruel smile, "glad to see you agree brother, and that we both had the same thought, Erilea has evaded our hands for far too long, but how do we get there again?" Orcus smiled and said "don't worry brother, I found a way, one which will easily let us through."

Orcus snapped his fingers and 3 Valg princes, different from the ones before, dragged in a man in white robes and a long slim beard, the man looked, as if he was near his death, yet Mantyx could feel a strong aura irradiate from him, a very powerful yet similar aura. The Valg princes dragged him infront of the throne room and 2 chains made of darkness came out of the ground and wrapped around his wrists, covering his fingers and preventing him from using them, 2 similar chains did the same around his feet.

The man struggled and looked at the 2 kings, at the power they radiated and terror raked his eyes, he said in a horse voice "I-I will never help you demons".

Orcus laughed and said "I found this peculiar thing wandering the nearby forests, he apparently teleported here on accident, and you know the best part dear brother? He is someone who is well versed in the power of the Wyrd, not only that but he is considered a lower master of the Wyrd, yet he has mastered the ability to open gates between realms, and we will use his power to enter Erilea with our entire army and crush those scum and avenge our brother!"

Mantyx grabbed the old wizard's chin and made him look into his eyes, he saw the fear and terror in the man and laughed. He said to the man "You will help us human, whether you like it or not, for us 2 are not demons, no, rather demons fear us, they go to bed having nightmares of us, for we are the Valg kings, and we have methods of extracting information with the help of pain even you can't handle."

Both Orcus and Mantyx took the prisoner to a lone cell deep underground, and began to extract information, and even though they were miles underground, every single living thing in the castle above could hear the screams of the Prisoner.

Both Orcus and Mantyx took the prisoner to a lone cell deep underground, and began to extract information, and even though they were miles underground, every single living thing in the castle above could hear the screams of the Prisoner

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