Chapter 2

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Dorian almost fell out of his chair at those last words.

He had spent the past few minutes exchanging glances with Manon and talking to her through his magic, he had learnt telepathy a month ago and was talking to Manon of all the things that had happened after the last time they met, which was in Orynth all those months ago.

Nevertheless the entire room seemed to hold its breath after Queen Anastasia said those last few words, he had not expected to be handling the consequences of Adarlan's past so quickly. And from the low growl from his friend and Hand Chaol, it was clear he also did not expect this to happen.

He was about to say something, to challenge this queen on her claim, but Aelin beat him to it when she said 1 singular word "Why?"

She had spoken 1 word yet the whole room had their attention on her.

Then the King of Fenharrow, King Magnus, also stood up and said "Isn't it obvious queen Aelin, Adarlan has conquered all our kingdoms and has killed countless and has destroyed countless. Why shouldn't it pay, why shouldn't King Dorian Havilliard pay?"

That's when Manon came to Dorian's defence saying "We all know it was his father, not him who commited thise heinouse crimes, and I'm sure we all know that he was infected by the Valg."

Queen Anastasia turned to Manon and sneered at her saying "They destroyed our homes and families, I for one do not care about that fact, especially because of the last little tidbit that the former king did all that before the Valg completely subdued him. And you—you are a witch ruler from the western wastes, you have no right to put your nose in our eastern business." A silence spread before Ansel said "You would be wise to mind your tone while talking to Manon, if wisdom even exists in your thick skull, as she is queen of the Witch Kingdom, which, last I checked, is double the strength of Melisande."

Anastasia paled when Ansel further said "plus I already sacked your capital once, wouldn't be too hard to so again would it?" Anastasia said back "I'd like to see you try".

Dorian had to stop this, before this..whatever this that was happening turned into an all out war. So he said "Then how do you propose to punish my kingdom?" Everyone again turned their attention to him.

King Magnus smiled and said "well isn't it obvious? In our kingdom there's a saying, an Eye for an Eye. I would like to apply the same knowledge here". The room went silent after the realisation of what the King of Fenharrow reached them. "You mean to conquer make it pay?" Aelin said in a tone that usually meant she was about to explode with rage.

The King replied "Yes, here is what I propose to you all". The King took out a piece of chalk and drew borders across Adarlan, from each kingdom, which to his shock, Dorian realised that the King of Fenharrow was extending the borders of Terrasen, Ewllye, Fenharrow and Melisande in a way that they were dividing Adarlan equally amongst each other. Each kingdom having a part of the kingdom, leaving nothing behind except for a few small islands belonging to Adarlan.

Then the Queen of Anastasia spoke "We will divide Adarlan equally into 4 parts, 1 of each given to Terrasen, Fenharrow, Ewllye and Melisande. For punishment of the enslavement given to us by Adarlan. I propose we get this underway by next week". She was about to say something further when Dorian interrupted.

"Hold on, your saying this as if everyone has already agreed to this. Which if it isn't obvious, I have not agreed to this occupation." He said, hoping to bring sense into the other kings and queens. But King Magnus only sneered and said "We don't need your permission, your father also didn't ask us before plundering our kingdoms. As for the others, Queen Manon and Ansel have no say in this for they are towards the west, divided by mountains and forests, as for the other eastern kingdoms, who would disagree, we all want revenge."

The queen of Melisande nodded her head in agreement as did the King of Ewllye, Dorian was starting to lose ground in this political battle. That is, until Aelin spoke "I have 2 queries for you, Queen Anastasia. Firstly is that how do you know that Terrasen stands with this agreement? We had no such talk and from what I've seen, it's just been you and king Magnus doing all the talking and expecting us to follow you. Secondly, if we are punishing Adarlan for their crimes against the continent, why stop there? During the war against the Valg, and even before during Adarlan's reign, Melisande always helped them rule, no rebellion rose, you bowed to the King on your own free will and allowed the slave trade to flourish and continue, you let them use your navy, first when the King of Adarlan attempted to invade Wendlyn and later when Erawan needed them to fight us. Why not punish you?"

Dorian beamed at Aelin for what she said, she had just balanced the board against King Magnus and Queen Anastasia. Indeed the Queen of Melisande lost her smirk and her face became a mixture of emotions, mostly rage and confusion. A long moment of silence passed as Anastasia and Aelin gave each other a hard stare, and the other monarchs stayed silent, watching them.

Finally Anastasia said "Fine, I'll admit I did those things, and some of them were... questionable. But the majority of those I did for the safety of my people, the safety of Melisande, as you know my kingdom was the only one spared from those Valg rings and collars. So I do not think I have to pay for anything Queen Aelin". Aelin smirked and replied "Well then Dorian's father also did all those for the safety of his people...and the safety of the northern continent, even if the methods were cruel and monstrous. Similar to yours just a few times worse"

Dorian sagged in relief when Queen Anastasia sat back down on her seat, clearly not knowing what to say, but then, as if someone whispered in his ear, a voice said in his head It is not good for a king to rely on others to defend them, say something to defend yourself. Dorian was startled by the voice, but couldn't help but agree. So he stood up and said "I agree what my father did was wrong, and I'm ready to atone for it. But occupation is not the way, tell me what else I can do, I know I cannot pay for the loss of your subjects, but let me try, we came here to build a new better world, let us at least try." And with that he sat down, silence filled the room.

After a few moments the Queen of Melisande opened her mouth to speak but suddenly the King of Ewllye, king Deji, spoke "All of you present reasonable arguments" he said in an Ewllyean accent "I suggest we put it down to a vote, and before you ask Queen Anastasia, yes we will also include Queen Manon and Ansel as they are a part of our continent." The King then looked Dorian straight in the eyes, with no kindness in his stare, and said "And hope to whatever deity Queen Aelin didn't destroy, that you are lucky King Dorian".

Master Of Wyrd (Throne Of Glass Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora