Chapter 11

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The construction in the castle was almost complete.

Dorian had ordered it 3 months ago. To construct the glass castle again, accept this time making it out of stone. Dorian had never been a fan of the glass castle but he respected the fact that it overlooked the entire city and showed that Rifthold was the capital of Adarlan.

As they approached the gate of the castle the guards all spread apart going to their stations until it was only Dorian and Chaol left. Dorian entered through the gate and dismounted his horse at the courtyard. Chaol doing the same next to him. The castle doors opened and Yrene rushed out of the castle.

"You made it back!" She exclaimed as she gave Chaol a quick kiss and hugged Dorian. Dorian laughed and said "Yes we returned safely, as expected, you worrywart". Chaol nodded his head saying "We aren't defenceless you know." Yrene patted him his shoulder and said to Dorian "Well excuse me if I worried about my husband and my king".

Dorian just laughed and said "Chaol is lucky to have you". Yrene asked "So how did the meeting go?" Dorian said "It went er, okay I guess you could say". Yrene tilted her head in confusion. Chaol further said "Don't worry I'll tell you later, I don't keep secrets from family unlike someone." Dorian cringed. Oh Chaol still hadn't gotten over him hiding Gavin from him. Yrene just sighed and said "You two and your stupid quarrels. Well I'm here to let you know the lords and ladies of Adarlan have assembled in the meeting room to hear what happened in the meeting."

Dorian sighed and said "can't I rest up a little?" Yrene replied "they expect you to be in the meeting room within 15 minutes, so good luck". Dorian nodded and walked quickly to his room. He entered his room only to find it cleaned and tidy–yet again, he had asked the servants to leave it as it was because Dorian found it easier to find stuff and live there, but they didn't listen saying that Dorian didn't know what he was talking about.

Nevertheless Dorian quickly changed into more regal clothes and washes his face before setting off to the throne room.

The throne room was used as the council meeting room nowadays, there was a round table with the necessary seats for the lords of Adarlan and the throne near the back, facing the door. Dorian entered the room and greeted the lords and ladies before taking his place at the throne. He looked around at the people in the room and said "Well then, I know you all have questions about the meeting, go on ask away".

The new lady of Morath was the first to speak "We don't need to ask, we were sent the letter". Dorian gave a confused look and asked "What letter?". The lord Of Anielle, Chaol's father; lord Westfall sneered and said "A war declaration from Melisande, Ewllye and Fenharrow. You must have said something terrible for all 3 of them to declare war in the same letter"

Chaol walked in at that moment and took his seat to the right as Hand of the King, he shook his head and said to his father "Can you stay silent for once?" Lord Westfall was about to say something but before he could the Lord of Meah, lord Alexander asked "What exactly happened in the meeting?"

Dorian quickly told them everything. At the end the Lady of Morath, Lady Miranda said "Well that's an...issue". Lord Westfall barked a laugh and said "now that's an understatement of I've ever heard one! We face war from not 2 but 3 kingdoms!" Lord Alexander said "At least Terrasen and the Witch Kingdom has risen to our aid" to which again Lord Westfall said "Some help they're going to be, one of them is on the other side of the Fang mountains and the other doesn't even border the 3 southern kingdoms!".

Dorian sighed and said "What's happened is in the past, we need to focus on the future. Create a proper war plan. Any ideas?"

Lord Westfall instantly said "We fortify our border, use catapults and whatever else we can muster. We set up some defences across southern oakwald forest and put the majority of the defences along the Fenharrow border, a 70-30 split of the defences would be suitable, Melisande may send it's army through Fenharrow as they wouldn't dare cross Oakwalk as their army has no experience in it. Ewllye has no border with us so they'll also have to go through Fenharrow." Lord Alexander agreed saying "we could dig a trench and use ranged weapons, to minimalise the casualties."

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