Chapter 10

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Fenrys was filled with shock and horror when he saw the Valg. He had fought so hard, sacrificed so much to defeat them yet here one was, standing at least 5 feet taller then him in armour that resembled knight armour but was pure black, and a face much too similar to that of Erawan's, save for the brown eyes that this Valg had.

Next to him Vaughun also tensed, moving into a fighting stance. Fenrys himself slowly reached for his hunting daggers at his sides.

The Valg chuckled and said "So your the 2 sacrifices Alarix sent me". And before Fenrys could ask any questions like who are you? What do you mean sacrifices? Or Who is Alarix. The Valg pulled out a massive sword which had an obsidian blade instead of a normal steel one, and charged at Fenrys.

Fenrys quickly dodged the attack and unsheated his hunting blades. Next to him Vaughun also took out his sword. He asked "So your the Valg expert, how do we take him down?" Fenrys said "He doesn't seem to have a ring or a collar on him, in fact he's not like any Valg I've seen before, but I'm sure he'll die the same if we cut his neck or stab him in the heart". Vaughun nodded and launched himself at the Valg.

Both the Valg and Vaughun exchanged several strikes at each other, the air around them filled with sparks whenever Vaughun's steel blade hit the Valg's Obsidian blade.

Fenrys circled the 2 while they were fighting each other, trying to find an opening to stab or behead the Valg but he wasn't finding any.

Vaughun suddenly feigned left as if he was attacking the Valg's right leg but the dark warrior didn't fall for the bait and kicked Vaughun in the chest. His foot, which was almost as big as Vaughun's chest, hit him in the stomach sending Vaughun barreling onto the ground. The Valg warrior laughed and said "You are no match for Orion Nightstar!" He then raised his sword-ready to stab it straight into Vaughun's heart.

Fenrys quickly bellowed a cry of rage and shifted into his wolf form, where he was standing, a while wolf the size of a small horse appeared as he ran towards Orian. Orion's back was big enough for him to jump on and Fenrys quickly stabbed him with his front and back paws, causing the Valg to shout in pain and drop his sword.

Orion used both his hands and grabbed Fenrys's fur, he tried to throw him off but Fenrys only dug his claws further into his back, latching in and not letting go.

Orion finally managed to throw him into the ground with extraordinary force. Fenrys hit the ground and transformed back into his Fae form, groaning in pain from the amount of force he hit the ground with. The Valg walked towards him and said "Did you really think you'd be able defeat me that easily Fae scum?" Fenrys groaned and said "No, but I knew it would distract you long enough".

Orion realised too late as he turned around just as Vaughun stabbed him in the chest with his own obsidian sword. Orion grunted in pain before falling to the side.

Fenrys got up and sheathed his blades as Vaughun walked upto him saying "Good work, what do we do with the body?". Fenrys looked around at all the bystanders. They all stared with shock, they had no doubt never seen 2 proper Fae warriors in these parts of the city slums. He said "We don't have time to waste, let's go in and find a member of this death cult, maybe they'll be able to help us. Both with Connal and with answers on who this Valg is and who Alarix is."

Vaughun nodded and sheathed his sword. They both began to walk towards the door. Though before they could open it they heard a grunt of pain and a sound as if someone had taken out a sword impaled in a body.

Both Fenrys and Vaughun turned around and watched in horror as the Valg who called himself Orion stood up, obsidian sword in hand, which was even darker now that his black blood was on it, and laughed, literally laughed a good hearty laugh. The laugh sent chills down Fenrys's spine.

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