The Observer's Promise

Start from the beginning

"Wha... what- where did everyone go?" Pakistan whispered fearfully as her eyes were drawn up to the sky. Outlined against the dark, the two inverted Colosseums were slowly corroding. They were also empty.

There was a strange stillness, a calm that seemed more ominous than peaceful. In the dark of night, something was happening yet they could not see it.

"China, you know what's happening. Explain." Everyone turned to the crimson figure who was lurking at the back. He hesitated as if wondering where to begin.

Finally, he said, "Let's walk and talk. We should find the Commander's Army first."

"Wait, NATO's here?"

"And so is WHO, NASA, and literally everyone else. That's what I've heard at least."

America was glad it was nighttime so that no one could see how his expression darkened. Something serious was going down, and he wasn't excited to find out.

"Are we in danger right now?" Poland muttered, but he sounded more tired than nervous. Germany scowled at the thought.

"And what of the Powers? Are they safe?" he demanded. Even from here, they could see the steady stream of smoke in the distance.

"Yeah... about that..." China fidgeted nervously and everyone felt their stomachs knot with dread. "I suppose that would be a good place to start."

(ASEAN POV)... (a few hours ago, moments before the first explosion)

"They're going after Indo."

The room plummeted into silence, allowing Indonesia's name to echo like a haunting whisper. My world went blank as my mind consumed everything like a raging river. I was swept away— a helpless swimmer in this torrent of panic. I could only guess what expression was on my face.

There was an explosion outside, followed by a tremor. Murmurs came from behind our door and UN answered for us. I didn't see who had breathlessly barged in but they seemed very panicked. I don't remember much of what happened then. Everything happened so fast.

"The Labyrinth has been breached."

The enemy was here and we were urged to get to safety, but my own wellbeing was not on my mind.

"INDONESIA! THE OTHERS!" I startled the messenger, Singapore, as I lunged at her, clutching her by the shoulders.

I don't think she had ever seen my true form before and she looked like she was about to faint. There was no time for that. "Why aren't they with you? Are they being evacuated too?" Distorting feathers spilled out in every direction as I failed to contain my anxiety.

A hand was placed against my back. "ASEAN, please bring yourself together," EU coaxed gently, stroking my hair as he guided me off the overwhelmed country. I felt the burst of adrenaline rush out of my body and slumped back against the other, regaining my semi-human form.

"Headmaster..." Singapore whispered with worry in her eyes but UN shook his head, gesturing for her to finish the urgent message.

Her words were muddied and blurred together like sludge. My thoughts would not waver from China's grave announcement and now that the hotel was under attack, Indo was in more danger than ever.

I was not a fool. When I constructed my magnum opus, I knew what I was getting into. The Bridge would sever all unrestricted ties between the Spirit Realm, forming a border that I could control. Many creatures from beyond would oppose this enforcement.

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