Chapter 25

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Marco's POV

I'm on my way to one of the warehouses my brother can't shut up about how he has something important to show me. I hope it's not some bonding business he wants me to be involved in. I haven't been working with him as I should've been. I just don't agree with most of his business deals anymore. I focus all my attention on running the club.
Something he doesn't seem to care about anymore.

As soon as I drive into the warehouse l already know my bother is mixed up in something big or should I say dangerous.
The amount of armed men says it all. I couldn't tell you if it was for his protection or someone else ambush.
I pack my car and I don't move. I don't want to know what Antonio is up to in there.

I finally decide to go in, I will just give him 5 minutes of my time. I get my phone from my pocket and text Halloway asking her to call me after 5 minutes so I can have an excuse to leave. I don't even press send when...

My heart drops as soon as I see her, surrounded by darkness with only a spotlight separating her from what seems like eternal darkness. She's tied to a chair. What have they done to you? She looks like she's been through hell. Her eyes are closed and her head slightly dropped to the side. Completely exposing the bruises on the right cheek.
I can't tell if she's asleep or if she was drugged with something to put her to sleep. She looks absolutely beautiful, despite her current situation. Her hair is messy but I don't mind that especially if it happened because of a busy night. She has a few drops of sweat dripping down her face because of the heat from the light above her.

"Untie her!" That's the first thing that leaves my mouth. "I knew this would happen. You are out of control. How could you do this to her? She has nothing to do with this. We don't treat women like this."

"Oh hello to you too brother. How do you do on this fine morning?" He mocks "Cut the bull."

"Okay, but have you forgotten who this woman is!" He yells pointing at an unconscious Emilia. "She's one of them. And I will not treat her any different from those Caputo's. Her father was worse than the family she married into. I won't spare any of them."

"Untie her brother this is not right. They still have time. The contract states it! "

"I don't care about that piece of paper. They never gave our mother time. They didn't spare her. Not even after she begged." He says.

"I will kill her..." he walks around Emilia like an animal eyeing its prey. "And I will do it in front of him so he can watch her die, then I will kill him."

"Okay, as you wish but untie her she's not going anyway, with all these guards here."

"You have a soft spot for her..." He glances at me a laughs. "I knew it. The way you were going on around her at the club that day. You dragged her out of there." He claps his hands like he cracked some secret code. "You take her home. Didn't you? How..."
"She was drunk and alone." I cut him off. "So what? call her a cab! Wait... She told you where she lives." He smiles in disbelief. "She must have been out of it." He shakes his head.

"Do you know how hard it was getting my hands on her? And all this time you knew where she was."
"You know what Antonio, I don't know why I'm here. I want nothing to do with this." I say.

"Oh please, Marco. Don't pretend like this is the worst thing you have ever done. What do you have a little crush on our hostage?" He chuckles. I glance at Emilia and all I see is that carefree girl I meet at the club, but she's far from that now. She looks like she hasn't seen the sun in days. Her lips dry like she hasn't tasted a drop of water in months.
I can't even examine the bruises on her face without feeling my blood boil. How cruel can they be treating her like this?

"Brother! She is a married woman. You can't give her those eyes. She is beautiful, I will give her that but plenty of those out there. Single ones."

"Will you untie her or do I have to do it myself," I ask. "Oh no little brother, no need to get your hands dirty. I will untie her when she's died so she can fit in that body bag over there." He points.
"She put up a good fight. My men had to break a few ribs." He earns a look from me and he puts his hands up to plead his innocence. "She punched Jessica, okay." he grins. "And Jessica lost it. You know how she is." He adds. "So they let her break her ribs? I can't believe this. Did you call the doctor?"

"No, she looks fine and to be fair they did lace the drinks but I guess she was in and out of it. So Jess had so much fun with her." He says walking away.

I'm so sorry Emilia. I should have never followed you to the bar that day, maybe he wouldn't have seen you but I doubt that would've made a difference. He loves chaos and pain.
I wish I could let you go. I put my hand on her cheek. She's on fire. How long have you been sitting here? I hate that my brother feels the need to torture you. But one thing I can promise you is that he will never kill you. He'll have to go through me first.

"Mmmm..." She moves her head.

"Emilia are you..." Oh no, what am I thinking? She can't see me here with her tied up like this.

"Mmm." She lifts her head and slowly tries to open her eyes but the lighting is too bright. I watch her blind trying to adjust to the light. "L... Leonardo," she whispers. And gazes at me before looking a little confused. 

"Scott! Turn the lights off."

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