Chapter 15

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I step inside the club and I immediately notice the temperature change it's hot and filled with people dancing most of them grinding each other very dangerously. I push and squeeze my way past a bunch of people to get to the bar.

I sit down and instantly get the attention of the bartender, "Hey, what can I get you?" He asks.

"Hmm, a margarita." He gives me a small smirk before he prepares my drink. I look around trying to get a feel for the place.

"Here you go," he slides me my drink and the look he gives me doesn't go unnoticed. "So are you enjoying your first night here?" He asks as I take the first sip of my drink.

"Who said it's my first night?" I take another sip.

He chuckles and runs his thumb over his bottom lip. "I haven't seen you here before."

"So you know everyone who comes here? Or are you just a stalker?"

"I don't think I would easily forget seeing a beautiful woman like you." He says and smirks.

"Can I get two shots please?" I say as I down the rest of the margarita.


I want to get drunk and forget about my fake life as Emilia. As soon as he fills the two shot glasses I down both of them. "More please," I say as I put the glass down. He gives me a look before doing as I say.

"You know sometimes it's better to talk about it." This time I give him a look. "And sometimes it's better to drink and forget about it. Everything is better when you can't feel." I say and down the shots. I stand up and turn to look at the dance floor.

"I will be right back," I say to the bartender. I make my way to the dance floor and I start to feel the alcohol slowly starting to affect me. I get to the dance floor and I let my hair down.

I slowly start to move my body as I enjoy the music, I close my eyes and move my body to the beat of the music. Hands grab my midsection from behind and I immediately stop dancing and I struggle to free myself from the grip.

They pull me closer to their body and start grinding on me as I try to free myself. "Come on relax, I know you want this." He says in a creepy voice and carries on grinding himself on me.

"No! Please let me go. Stop!" I shout out.

"Oh come on. I will make it worth your time." He whispers in my ear.

"Take your hands off her!" Someone says from behind us. "No! Go find your own girl, she's mine!" The guy says holding me tighter.

"I said let her go, mate!"

The guy stops grinding on me and he slowly lets me go. I quickly turn around and step back. The guy has his hands up and a sick smirk on his face. Next to him, I see a man in a black suit. "I don't want to see you in this club ever again." He says and the guy walks away.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" He turns to me and asks. "No, am fine. Thank you for...saving me." I say.

"Do mention it. Can I take you home? Make sure you are okay." I smile at him shaking my head. He looks like a really nice guy but I don't want to go home or anyway right now. "I just need a drink, "I say walking away.

I sit at the bar and take a deep breath. "Welcome back." The bartender says.

"Give me three fireball shots."

"Haven't you had enough?" He says.

"Matthew give the lady a spritz." I turn around to see the man who saved me.

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