Chapter 16

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Marco stops the car outside the gate, he refuses to drive me in even after I begged him to. I don't have the legs for the long walkway to the front door. Who would make the entrance so far from the house anyway?

I thank him for driving me home and step out of the car and the guards open the gate as soon as they see me. I try to steady my steps I feel like a baby who is learning to walk for the first time and I end up lunging as I desperately make my way in. I hear Marco laughing, "see you around Emilia!!" He says laughing and I hear him drive off.

I drunk walk to the front door. I finally get to the door, I feel like I just run a marathon. The house is quiet and dark the only light coming in is from outside. I stop at the staircase and stare at the top, I immediately regret drinking. I think about sleeping on the couch. I quickly make a mental pros and cons list.

+ Don't need to go up the stairs.

- Wake up early.
- Everyone is going to see that I was drunk.
- It's not as comfortable as the bed.

I go down on my hands and knees and start crawling up the stairs. I get to the top and decide to crawl all the way to my room. I take off my jeans and t-shirt and jump straight into bed.

One side of the bed is warm and I snuggle my half-naked body closer to the heat wrapping my arms and leg around the giant warm teddy bear. Enjoying the warmth.

"What are you doing?"

I pause for a scant few seconds I feel only his presence around me.

I think I am completely and utterly drunk why am I thinking about him and hearing his voice? "Get out of my head Leonardo."

A strong arm wraps itself around my waist and pulls me even closer. I open my eyes and look up and I meet his glance, he has an intense look on his face. I turn my body as I try to get him to let me go, but his arm is too powerful around me.

"Let me go! And get out of my room! You have no right to touch me!" I clamor and all my cries fell on deaf ears.

"Shhh relax and don't move." He says shutting his eyes again. "Where have you been Emilia and why do you smell like a bar?"

"No, am not answering any of your questions. Why are you in my bed?"

"Open your eyes, Emilia, this is my room. You came into my bed and wrapped your body around me." He says in a smoky voice.

I look around and realize that I indeed wasn't in my room nor was I in my bed. Great just great, why did I have to drink so much?

"Let me go, so I can go sleep in my room."

He doesn't say anything for a while and I shake him thinking he fell asleep. "I said don't move."

"Fine. I won't, just let me go."

He stays quiet again. 

"No, I can't do that, I don't trust you and you disturbed my sleep."

I don't say anything, instead, I put my head back down on his chest and close my eyes. The longer I lay the more comfortable I get. I start to enjoy the rhythm of his heartbeat. My fingers begin tracing the outline of the muscles on his stomach.

I am tempted to plant wet kisses on his waist. I shut my eyes, stopping my drunk self from doing anything stupid.


I wake up to the sound of something breaking. My head is pounding I feel like someone tried to kill me last night using blunt force trauma. Everything hurts.

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