Chapter 5

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My heart is in my throat as am about to walk down the aisle. Everyone will know as soon as I step out. I cling onto the bouquet as if holding on to my last breath.

I can't control my breathing. I try to calm my every breath but I can't focus. All I have to do is show him the letter as soon as he sees me.

The music plays and I can't move. My feet are paralyzed. "Do I need to carry you?" I feel a cold metal touching my lower back. He's pointing a gun at me. " of course not. Please don't hurt me."

"Move your feet, stop talking and start walking."

My heart is beating out of my chest as I walk. I look down trying to calm myself.

That was the longest walk of my entire life. I stop right in front of the groom, I look up for the first time. My glance meets his and he is super tall. I can't quite read the expression on his face but he looks angry or upset.

He knows.

Of course, he knows, this dress won't magically turn me into Emilia. He is going to be so heartbroken once he reads the letter she wrote. I looked into his light green eyes, analyzing every part of his face through the vale.

"Aspetta." He says. 'wait."

The whole room goes dead silent. I look around feeling nervous.

I close my eyes, expecting him to blow up on me. I feel his rough hand on mine and I open my eyes slowly and I look at him not sure of what he just said.

"Nice to finally meet you, Emilia." He says with that thick Italian accent I remember so well from the phone.


I forcefully remove my hand from his grip and take a few steps back. The two men who walked me down the aisle step closer with their guns out in the open. I look at the people attending the wedding. Why isn't anyone saying anything? Why has he never met Emilia before?

"Don't do anything stupid Emilia, we're all done chasing you."

I look at him with nothing but panic on my face.

"Daje!" He holds out his hand for me. 'Come on.'
I step closer completely ignoring his hand. How am I supposed to explain that I am not Emilia if they haven't even met her? I can show him the letter but I don't think he will believe me.

"We're ready father." He says looking at the priest.

Tears start running down my face and I can barely see anything.

"We are all gathered here today to witness the unity between Emilia and Leonardo..." Those were the last words I heard the priest say. I blacked out for what felt like a year.

"Emilia... Emilia, you wrote your vows. You may proceed." He looks at me with a smile.

"Mmmm vows." I look at Leonardo. I take a deep breath trying to think of something.

"I promise to trust and respect you for who you are.
I promise to always be there when you need me, to face any and all challenges together.
I promise to bring joy, happiness, and love to our lives.
I promise to give you the best of myself and grow alongside you.
I promise to love you on a good and bad date and forever." I finish off by surprising myself.

"Very beautiful. Your turn Leonardo." The priest turns to him.

He digs in his pockets and takes out a piece of paper and he begins reading.

"I promise to love you."

He puts it back in his pocket and looks at the priest. Is that all? After I spent two minutes trying to put something together and he reads 'I promise to love you.' from a piece of paper.

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