Chapter 10

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If self-isolation were the name of the game, I would be in the first place.

It's been two days since I last left my room. I haven't seen or spoken to a single soul. Isabella has been kind enough to leave food outside my door.
'Emilia I brought you breakfast.'
'Emilia lunch.' 'Emilia dinner.'
I wouldn't eat anything most of the time depending on my mode.

Out of all people he should have been the one to understand where I'm coming from. Agreeing to keep pretending that I'm Emilia was stupid of me.

"Emilia open the door." A voice says, followed by a gentle knock, if I was fast asleep I wouldn't have heard it. "We need to talk." I pull the covers over my head, not responding.

"Emilia open the door right now!"

Leonardo? His back!

He knocks louder on the door before I hear him walk away. Thank God, I don't want to talk right now.

A few minutes later I hear someone fiddling with the door. It's locked dumbo.

The covers fly off me revealing my half-naked body. I open my eyes - what the hell.

"How did you get in? I l-locked the door."

He stares at me with a look that says he is pissed off. "Dinner. Downstairs. Now." I catch him staring down my body.

I pull the covers back over my body, feeling a bit self-conscious.

"That didn't work so well last time. So I think I will just stay right here. Besides am not hungry."

"I don't care what you think or how you feel. Get dressed and go downstairs." He says annoyed.

"I need to take a shower first I will be right down," I say smiling.

He looks at me like he is about to drag me downstairs with him.

"Make it quick, my mother hates waiting and so do I." He walks out before I can get a word in.

His mom is here! The truth shall be revealed. She'll know am not Emilia considering the fact that she's the ONLY one that has met her.

I quickly get dressed wearing sweats and a blacktop. I want to be at least comfortable when everything goes down in flames.

I grab the letter and shave it in my pocket. My heart is beating fast against my chest. I open the door and all I can hope is that Zack is there. I haven't seen him since the day I argued with him.

I get downstairs and slowly walk into the dining room. The table is all set for a candlelight dinner. Leonardo sitting at the table all dressed up in a black suit, white shirt, and black tie.

He is always in a suit but he wasn't wearing a black one a few minutes ago. I don't see his mother anyway at the table. Oh, so he is a jerk and liar too.

Two men walk past me and they set up a projector screen. What's going on here?

"Emilia honey, please take a seat and get rid of that confused look on your face."

I take a seat right across from him, they are only two chairs at the table. So my opinions are limited.

"What going on?"

"We are having dinner honey. You not still sleeping are you?" He says sarcastically.

"Where's your mother? And what's the screen for?"

He keeps quiet and I convince myself that he's not going to answer my questions.

"The screen is for my mother so she can join us. She's currently in Italy." He shares.

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