Chapter 23

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Leonardo's POV

The door to my office swings open pulling my attention from my laptop to the door, Zack's long frame becomes visible through the opening door. A wave of relief comes over me as soon as I see it's him.
"I thought I would find you in here. Are you alright?" He asks sounding a bit concerned.
"I don't know Zack. Have you seen her?" I ask not sure if I want to hear the answer. "She's having breakfast downstairs with Isabella."
"I can't keep up with this Zack, the lies and secrets. I will tell her everything tonight." I can't keep dancing around this. He does say a word and of all the times he chooses to be silent now.

"Are you monitoring her? Has she been feeling nauseous or anything?"

"Yes, of course, I'm keeping a close eye on her, and no, if she's experiencing any symptoms I don't know she must be concealing them from me."

"Oh please, Zack. Why would she be hiding anything? She has no idea what we are up to."

"Mmm, I don't know... I think you should spend some time with her. Maybe she's not comfortable telling anyone but you. I can't be with her every second, you are her husband."

Her husband.

I spent the past weekend with Emilia but all I could think about was Samantha. I imagined she was there with me, that's how I got through with the whole plan. I made love to Sam in the car and at home in our bed. Or maybe I'm lying to myself. I saw what I did to her. How I made her feel and how she made me feel. We barely slept that night, and I wanted every inch of her.

"Ask her to take the test," Zack says pulling me out of my head.


"Then you will know for sure and if she's not you can try again. You don't have much time Leonardo and you know the Torricelli's will honor the contract."

"I'm not worried about the Torricelli's right now. They can't draw blood, we still have time. I need you to keep an eye on her. Don't. Let. Her. Out. Of. Your. Sight."

"Emilia knows the rules."

"I don't care about all that, just make sure you are with her especially when she leaves the house. "

This is all my father's fault. He agreed to this sealing my faith.

Emilia's POV

"Did... Did I just hear that correctly?" Alex asks. "You guys did what?" She continues with disbelief. Honestly, I did not believe it myself, but it happened and it felt incredible. "And you haven't told him that you are..." She lets the sentence hang between us and the rose gold glow I had all week evaporates into the air. I had almost forgotten about my reality, which was concerning because Leonardo and I hadn't spoken a word to one another since we got back.

"He has no idea. I want to tell him, Alex."

As the words spring out my lips I remember the conversation with Zack, but I can't keep letting him think am Emilia.

"I don't know Sky. If you feel it safe for you to do so then... Yes, tell him everything."

I wish I didn't care about him leaving me.

"Excuse me, ladies." A waiter says. "That man over there..." she points to some guy at a table, who just winks and smiles at us. "Ordered these drinks for you." She smiles placing the drinks on our table.
Alex waves her hand at the man as a thank you. "We still got game! Even though you have a husband, I can't believe you're married and that before me." She says and takes a sip of the drink. "Mmm, it's good." She does a little dance moving her shoulders. She loves doing that when she's happy. I smile at her. Taking in the moment.
I take a sip of this mystery drink from this mystery man. I must say it is good, he has good taste. I find myself imagining meeting Leo in this way. Sitting at a bar, minding my own business enjoying the music, and having him buy me a drink. My thoughts are cut short when I remember how angry he was when I came home drunk from the club.

All I can taste is this moment and my heart hurts because all I want is to touch him. I want him to know who I am. But I don't want him to see me because I don't think he will understand when all is said and done. I just want him to know who I am.
"I married a man who has no idea who I am," I say. "And now I think am in love with him. I love a man who calls me Emilia. He doesn't know my name, Alex."

"Oh Sky." She stands up giving me a warm embrace. "It's going to be okay. Tell him, tell him who you are. There's no way he won't love you."

Everything after that is a blur.

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