Chapter 11

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Zack's POV

The wedding, or shall I say the concept of marriage. One thing I don't believe in, I was not looking forward to the wedding. Leonardo and I were on the same boat regarding the subject. He had his reasons and I had mine.

I just don't believe in the whole thing of girl meets boy, they fall in love and get married. Not forgetting the all-important: they live happily ever after.

It's all a big fat scam.

My parents were stuck in that scam, destroying one another, trying to make it work. I think they were fighting the fact that it didn't work anymore, more than trying to make it work. If only they knew that love is enough sometimes and you don't have to go complicating things just for a title.

I believe in love and I believe in freedom just as much.

I offered to be Leonardo's best man. He hated the idea. "It's not a normal wedding Zack and I don't need a best man." His words were expected, he never had a choice he had to marry her.

"I want you in the car before the ceremony starts. I don't want you all over the place in case I need you."

One thing I learned over the years, it's hard to convince Leonardo otherwise once he's made his mind up.

All I hoped was that they would not resent each other. No matter how hard it gets none of them can leave the married. I tried to make Leonardo see reason, let's just say all my efforts were in vain.


"Excuse me, sir, Mr. Caputo's cake is here."

A voice says and I look up to see a stunning young lady. She has long brown hair with soft curls, that match the shape of her beautiful face and amazing hazel-green eyes that draw you in. I find myself staring at her.

She asks for my help and of course, I offer to help her. I have nothing else to do anyway. She keeps complimenting how beautiful everything is around her.

She's the only beautiful thing here.

When we are done I tell her that I hope to see her again and from the smile, she gives me I know she would not mind seeing me again.

That's my one good deed for the week, it's good enough to cancel out all the other shitty things I had to do.

I make my way outside to sit in the car, Leonardo usually has me on car duty when he feels he will need to make a quick exit. I don't think he trusts Emilia to stick around for the whole thing. I hope he is not planning to kidnap her.

I don't blame him you can't trust someone you have never met before, not to mention marry them.


I picked up Leonardo from the airport last night and drove him to the safe house. He had dinner plans with Emilia and his mother. While Mrs. Caputo insisted on the dinner, she wanted to see Emilia.

He asked me to stay for dinner but I refused and drove to the main house. I had more important things to take care of: make sure Emilia's identity remains a secret, I had to hack the zoom call that Leonardo has organized for the dinner.

Today we have a meeting with the Torricelli's and I have to pick up Leonardo. When I get to the safe house am greeted by Isabella.

"How was the dinner last night?"

"I think it went well, no one was allowed around." She says preparing the table for breakfast.

I don't see a sign of Leonardo and Emilia around. Could they still be sleeping?

"Have you seen Leonardo or Emilia today?" I whisper to Isabella.

I sit down and wait almost impatient for the arrival of him and Emilia.

"No. They haven't come down yet."

Leonardo walks in and sits down. "What are you two talking about? It can't be anything good with the look on Zack's face."

"Nothing." I glance at Isabella. "So how was that dinner last night?" I ask, trying to sound uninterested.

"Okay, I guess. It went as expected."


He stops want his doing and looks at me. "Do you want to check on her again?"

"No I just thought since you guys had dinn..." he cuts me off.

"Have some breakfast Zack. We have a long drive ahead." He says diving into the pancakes.

We sit in complete silence having breakfast. Leonardo is not the relationship type. He used to have girls over, but that just ends in one-night stands.

This marriage has to work and that means no one can find out about Emilia or they'll be hell to pay.

"Good morning," Emilia says walking in and sitting down next to Leonardo. Not of her free will, of course, Isabella set the table that way.

I just love her.

"Emilia! Late-night?" I say holding back the urge to laugh.

She gives me a confused stare before saying, "what? Are you talking about last night's dinner? It didn't last very long."

I peek at Leonardo and he seems to be on a different planet. "Did you skip right to dessert?" I wink at Emilia.

"I can't say I remember having desert. Or maybe it wasn't that good. Leonardo might have to jog my memory." She says with a giggle.

"I get it, you guys don't kiss and tell."

"There's nothing to tell, but if they were am sure I wouldn't mind kissing and telling." She says smiling. She earns a look from Leonardo and that provides my point something did happen last night.

"Don't hold your breath, there will never be anything to tell." He says. Crushing the last bit of hope I had. These two will never see eye to eye.

"While I enjoyed the dinner and Leonardo tried his best to be a gentleman," Emilia says.

Leonardo gets up and I know that means he has had enough of all the fooling around. I stand up giving Emilia a small smile, before following in his direction.

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