Chapter 44: New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

Caravos watched the departing five companions with pride and gratitude. They had brought ancient mysteries back to life, and he felt deeply appreciative of their efforts.

Turning to Ashamshemesh, who stood next to him, Caravos spoke with a smile. "These brave scholars have given us a wonderful gift. Let's give them some keepsakes to remember us by as they start their journey."

Ashamshemesh nodded knowingly and quickly went outside. Within moments, he returned carrying a bunch of treasures - seashells, dried flowers, polished stones, and more.

Caravos picked up a shiny fossil trapped in quartz. "This will remind you of the never-ending discoveries of eternity. Take it, dear Themis, and may it inspire you for many years."

Next, he carefully chose five delicate wild iris flowers preserved between waxy leaves. "Let these flowers represent Mallo's gentle yet unwavering spirit. May your kindness always guide you."

For Ikkos, Caravos handed a piece of rare amber containing an ancient insect frozen in time. "May this symbolise your dedication to preserving the delicate beauty of history."

Ashamshemesh gave Dex a peculiar plant root twisted into unusual shapes. "Your instincts have served us well - may this strangeness continue to spark your imagination."

Finally, Caravos offered Mnesarete a perfectly spiral nautilus shell. "May this shell help you unravel life's mysteries with elegance and clarity in your storytelling."

Caravos' eyes filled with warmth as he spoke. "Whenever you look at these keepsakes, remember that you will always have a home here."

Touched by the gesture, the companions hugged their old friends. Mnesarete turned to Caravos with a smile. "Thank you for your wisdom and guidance, as always. Our victory is also yours."

Caravos patted her hand. "Don't mention it, my dear. You're welcome here anytime."

Dex slapped Ashamshemesh on the back. "Thank goodness we had your potion-making skills! Who else could have deciphered those symbols?"

Ashamshemesh laughed. "I'm just doing my part. Good luck with your future studies."

Themistonoe addressed both of them. "Goodbye, wise mentors. May peace and success find you here."

Ikkos nodded. "Please take care, my friends. And if the unknown ever beckons you away from this peaceful place, know that we will come."

With final waves and calls of "Have a safe journey!" the five headed for the door. Chrysomallo paused in the sunlight. "To Delian Harbour and a ship heading for Kirrha!"

The companions walked from Caravos' hut towards Delian Harbour, their steps light and their conversation lively. Though tired from their journey, a renewed sense of adventure burned in their hearts.

"Have a safe journey, my friends!" called Caravos cheerfully.

"Best of luck in your future endeavours," Ashamshemesh added.

As the voices of the five companions gradually faded into the distance, Caravos and Ashamshemesh were left with warm smiles.

"They will achieve great things," Caravos said, nodding with satisfaction.

Ashamshemesh watched them go, feeling proud. "Indeed. They have worked hard and persevered to find answers."

Caravos' tone became nostalgic. "Ah, to be young and filled with such energy again! But through them, our mission lives on."

Ashamshemesh hummed in agreement. "We have passed the torch, so to speak. And they will enlighten the world, just as we once did."

For a moment, the two sat in silence, enjoying the peaceful solitude once again. But a hint of sadness lingered in their parting. Youth and adventure were now behind them.

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