Chapter 12: Setting Sails for Delos

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The bright morning light shone through the trees, waking the friends from their peaceful sleep

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The bright morning light shone through the trees, waking the friends from their peaceful sleep. Chrysomallo stretched and smiled at the others, who were still waking up. "Wake up, my friends; a new day is waiting for us!"

They took turns splashing their faces with cool creek water to wash away their sleepiness. Dex happily tended to their dying fire to make it burn again. Soon, a cheerful fire warmed their camp as they ate their dried food.

Themistonoe folded the blankets while Mnesarete rolled up the worn bedrolls. Ikkos put out the burnt remains of their fire, scattering the ashes. Chrysomallo examined their coloured robes in the light, making final adjustments to the seams and hems.

"Our disguises look very real if I do say so myself," she proudly announced. The others agreed—the earthy colours and worn textures added to their pilgrim personas.

With their preparations almost done, Dex said softly, "Friends, it's time to leave our fancy clothes behind and fully embrace the humble appearance of pilgrims."

The group solemnly nodded. They understood that they needed to commit to their roles for the plan to succeed fully.

Themistonoe carefully folded Ikkos' simple orange tunic, Mnesarete's calm lavender robe, Dex's bright red wrap, Chrysomallo's forest green chiton, and her own deep-blue chiton. She then placed them inside a hollow log to keep them safe during their journey. "May these clothes be waiting for you in good health when you return," she blessed them.

Then, one by one, the travellers removed any accessories or signs of wealth that could ruin their mission. They replaced fancy belts, sandals, and fancy pouches with simple rope belts, sandals, and plain pouches.

Chrysomallo and Ikkos respectfully turned away as Dex and Mnesarete changed into their coloured wool robes. The loose fabric covered any signs of their adventurous lifestyle.

When everyone was ready, Chrysomallo and Ikkos also put on their disguises. Chrysomallo gently smoothed out any wrinkles in the fabric to complete the deception.

Stepping back, Themistonoe nodded in approval. "You truly look like humble pilgrims seeking spiritual enlightenment. Let's check each other's disguises before heading to the harbour."

Each friend took a turn examining the other's robes for any signs of their noble backgrounds. But the worn fabric and travel stains concealed any traces of wealth.

Mnesarete nodded in satisfaction. "No one would suspect who we really are now. We look like normal pilgrims searching for the gods."

Feeling content, Ikkos smiled. "Then our disguises are perfect. May our deception get us safely to Delos from the harbour in Kirrha."

With their final belongings secured, the friends put out the fire and scattered the ashes. They left the clearing, leaving their real lives behind in the shadows of the forest.

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