Chapter 8: Toward Delphi's Oracle

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Dex woke up as the sun began to rise in his small room

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Dex woke up as the sun began to rise in his small room. It was the only place where he could escape the underground network. He got out of bed and prepared for the day with Shadow.

Dex put on a red cloth over his robe to start the day. Shadow was waiting by the door, wagging his tail happily. Dex filled Shadow's food bowl with fresh oats, and the horse was grateful.

After eating breakfast, Dex started getting Shadow ready for their trip. He put a saddle on him and packed the things they needed - ropes, herbs for medicine, and parchment for recording discoveries. These were all things Lysandra left to him.

From the pantry, he took bread, dried apricots, and cheese. He also filled several jugs with fresh water. He packed blankets and a tarp for their journey.

As Dex checked each strap and secured them, he thought about the answers he hoped to find at Delphi. What wisdom would the Oracle share about the ancient scroll and its secrets?

Once he finished preparing, Dex led Shadow out of the stable. The sun was rising in the east as they walked towards the meeting spot. Dex hummed a happy tune, eager to see what the new day would bring.

When Dex reached the fifth stone, the sky in the east was filled with vibrant colours from the rising sun. Shadow made a soft sound, and Dex petted his neck while looking for their companions.

Soon, he heard the sound of hooves and saw Chrysomallo riding towards them on Athena, wearing a green robe. When she saw Dex and Shadow, she smiled and lowered her veil gracefully.

"The red cloth you're wearing suits you very well," she commented. Dex just smiled quietly in response.

Before long, Ikkos arrived on the road with a pack of supplies, wearing an orange tunic. "Good luck to both of you. Have you seen the others?"

The sound of footsteps indicated the arrival of Mnesarete and Themistonoe from the east. Mnesarete's eyes gleamed with intelligence from beneath her hooded lavender robe. At the same time, Themistonoe walked purposefully in her worn-out blue silk cloak.

Chrysomallo unpacked her map and charts from Athena's bags. She laid them out on a big stone, using pebbles to hold them down.

"The quickest way is along the coastal road past Corinth," Chrysomallo said, tracing the path with her finger. "But there can be unexpected cliff collapses. I suggest we go inland after Epidauros to avoid potential landslides."

Ikkos checked Shadow and Athena's shoes to make sure they were secure. He also tested the cinches and straps of the saddles, making sure they were in good condition.

"The terrain will be rough in some areas. We should make sure our horses are ready for the journey," he advised. Shadow hoped for a treat and nosed at Ikkos' pockets. Ikkos smiled and gave the black mare a slice of apple.

Themistonoe studied the maps with Chrysomallo, memorising them in case they needed to navigate separately. Then, she took out the old leather parcel containing the cursed scroll from her pouch. 

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