It's a...

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Amy and Bob sat side by side in the hospital waiting room, their nerves an orchestra in the air. The soft hum of conversations around them offered little comfort as they anxiously awaited their turn for their appointment.

Amy absentmindedly traced circles on her stomach, the anticipation keeping her from being still. Bob, glanced at her, trying to offer a reassuring smile. "Relax." He whispered, placing a kiss against her hair. "This is exciting!"

Amy managed a smile in return, appreciating Bob's attempt to ease her worries. "I know, it's just I'm afraid they'll find something." She met his eyes, offering a small nod, "I am excited, I promise. Just nervous."

Bob chuckled, "I know."

As the nurse called their names, Amy and Bob exchanged a quick glance before standing up. Hand in hand, they entered the doctor's office, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Inside the doctor's office, Amy and Bob took their seats, their excitement and anxiety dancing in the air. The doctor, a friendly woman with a warm demeanor, greeted them.

"Good afternoon! How are you two feeling today?" she asked, sensing the mix of emotions in the room.

Amy smiled nervously, "A bit on edge, but we're ready to find out."

The doctor nodded understandingly, "Perfect. Let's get started."

The screen flickered to life, revealing the grainy image of their unborn child. Amy couldn't help but smile at the sight of those tiny fingers and toes. Bob squeezed her hand, sharing in the moment. As she prepared for the ultrasound, Amy and Bob exchanged glances, their anticipation growing. The room was filled with the rhythmic thumping of the baby's heartbeat, a reassuring sound that seemed to ease the tension in the air.

"Baby looks and sounds very healthy." The doctor clicked some buttons on her keyboard. "Alright, are we ready to find out the gender?" the doctor asked, maneuvering the ultrasound wand over Amy's belly.

Amy glanced at Bob as he squeezed her hand reassuringly, "Yes." She answers, watching the screen again.

After a brief examination, the doctor pointed at the screen. "Well, it looks like you're having a..."

A pause lingered in the room, the suspense hanging in the air. Amy and Bob held their breaths, waiting for the words that would shape their dreams and plans for the future.

"It's a boy!" the doctor finally announced, her smile mirroring the joy radiating from the soon-to-be parents.

Bob's eyes widened with excitement, and he couldn't contain his happiness. "A boy! That's amazing!"

"A little boy!" Amy said as if she couldn't believe it herself.  Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to Bob, "A boy."

The crisp air outside the hospital felt refreshing as Amy and Bob walked hand in hand, basking in the news. Excitement and plans for their baby boy quickly filled their conversation.

"Can you believe it, Bob? A little boy!" Amy exclaimed, her eyes still glistening with tears of joy.

Bob grinned, his enthusiasm matching Amy's. "I know, right? I'm going to be the dad of a boy! I can't wait to teach him all the important stuff, you know, like playing catch and building forts."

Amy laughed, "I can't wait to start buying little blue clothes!"

As they approached their car, Bob pulled Amy into a spontaneous twirl. "He's so lucky to have parents as cool as us." He winked, making Amy laugh. He knelt, placing his hands on either side of her belly, "I can't wait to meet you little guy." He whispered to her stomach.

Amy smiled, watching him and savoring the happiness of the moment. "Do you think we should start thinking about names?"

He glanced up before standing, "Names?" He pulled the keys out of his pocket. "Jeeze, I hadn't even considered names." They both climbed into the car and Amy pulled out the envelope, slipping the ultrasound photos out of it just like they had months ago at their first ultrasound.

"He needs a strong name." She determined, clicking her seatbelt over herself.

"We could name him after someone?" Bob suggested, starting the car.

"Like a celebrity? We could name him Brad?"

Bob let out a laugh as she drove out of the parking lot, "We are not naming our son after Brad Pitt. No, I was thinking like a family member."

"You just want to name him Bob Jr." Amy teased.

He leaned his head back, "Ah, you've caught me." He said before smiling at her. "We should go celebrate!"

"Celebrate? We don't have any money to celebrate." Amy folded the ultrasound photos and carefully put them back in the folder.

Bob thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel, "We should tell someone! This is exciting news!"

"We can invite Ricky and Carla over again?"

"Why not Chris and Evan?"

Amy raised an eyebrow, "When was the last time you saw Chris and Evan?" Bob was quiet as he turned a corner. "Sure, I mean, yeah. Of course. We can see if they want to come over." Amy reassured. She ran her hand over the envelope, "Do you think...we could stop somewhere on our way home?"

Amy stood outside the familiar dorm door that she lived behind for five months. One she never had to knock on because she once owned a key to it. She knocked on it three times which alerted shuffling from inside.

"Amy?" Dana asked with surprise when she opened the door.

"Hi Dana." Amy fiddled with the flap of the folder. ", do you have a minute?"

Dana glanced back behind herself, "I guess. Come in."

As Amy stepped into the room, she was taken aback by the transformation. The once-familiar space had undergone a complete makeover. Posters adorned the walls, and the color scheme had shifted dramatically. It was like stepping into a completely different world.

Dana leaned against her desk, crossing her arms. "So, what brings you here?"

Amy fidgeted for a moment, unsure of how to start. "Well," She held out the folder to her.

"What is this?" Dana asked as she took it.

Amy nodded towards her, "Open it." Dana flipped open the folder, peeking inside before pulling the contents out.

"Ultrasound photos? Did you have an appointment recently?" Dana quickly glanced over it. "Is it twins or something? I don't really know what I'm looking at."

"Read the last one." Amy pushed. Dana's eyes slid down the four photos before landing on the last. He face lifted in shock. "You're having a boy?"

Amy nodded, "Yes."

"Oh my gosh...congratulations, Amy." She said, reading over the picture again.

"You're the first person I've told."

"Me? Why?"

Amy shrugged, glancing down at the photos in Dana's hands, "I thought maybe it would bring some fun to your spring break."

"That was sweet of you to think of me." She said, placing the pictures carefully back into the folder and handed them back to Amy. "Are you busy? We could go to the Milkshake Shack? If Baby Boy Duncan doesn't protest." She smirked.

"I'd love to." Amy released a quiet laugh, "And he would too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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