A Silent Promise

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As the weeks passed, Amy and Bob's routine fell into rhythm. Amy, plagued by morning sickness, found comfort in her shower after bolting for the bathroom each morning. Snacks discreetly tucked away with her school books provided moments of respite during classes. Bob, still living on campus despite not taking another term, made the effort to meet Amy for lunch everyday. The hour drives back and forth to his house took a toll on him, but seeing Amy always made it worth it.

Amy pushed her plate away from her, the third day in a row she's done this now. Bob watched her, trying to find an answer to her behavior. "Amy, you need to eat. You've skipped lunch for three days now." He pushed the plate back towards her.

She turned her nose up at it, "I can't, Bob. Everything makes me feel nauseous lately."

He leaned closer to her,  "Nauseous? It's because you haven't been eating properly." His voice in a whisper. "Eat something, please."

She shook her head, "No. It'll make me sick."

"It will make you feel better."

"It won't." Her eyes turned glassy as she looked away, "I'm so tired of being sick every morning."

He leaned back in his chair, "Every morning? Like morning sickness?" She didn't answer him, embarrassment red on her cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me this was going on?"

Amy sighed. "I don't know. It's just been hard, and I thought it would pass."

"is that normal?"

Her face tensed with distress. "Maybe. I don't know."

"You need to take care of you and the baby. What can I get you to eat?"

"I don't want anything. I can't stand the thought of food right now."

Bob leaned his elbows on the table again, "This isn't just about you, Amy. The baby needs proper nutrition. We can't ignore this."

She crossed her arms, finally looking at him. "I don't care, okay? I'm sick all the time, and it's driving me crazy!"

"You should have told me this was going on. What about crackers? Or toast? Something easier on your stomach." She turned away again, her face paling at the mention of food. "Let me buy you a smoothie, at least. That's not really food, right?" He suggested, desperate. "Please, Amy, for both of you."

Her expression calmed, "Fine. I'll try a smoothie.

Three hours later when Bob joined Amy at the library for her studying, Bob waited outside the library bathroom for her.

She walked out sniffling, her eyes teary. "No more smoothies." She told him.

Bob couldn't help but smile, trying to hold back his laughter at her seriousness. His heart couldn't take how cute she was in vulnerable moments like this. "No more smoothies." He agreed.

A light smile played onto Amy's lips.

"Milkshakes next time." He suggested.

Amy blinked tiredly, face paling again before she pushed through the bathroom door again.

Resuming where they had been before the smoothie made Amy fall ill, Bob sat across from Amy in the campus library, nursing textbooks scattered around them.

"Okay, let's tackle these flashcards. What's the term for the condition where there's an inadequate blood supply to the heart muscle?"

Amy stared at the window with a thoughtful expression. "Ischemia."

Bob flipped the flash card over. "Bingo! You're acing this."

Jordan passed the couple, before stopping as he spotted them. "Hey, Bob! Hi Amy." He smiled. "What's going on with you two? I haven't seen you in any business classes this term, Bob."

Bob shuffled the flash cards in his hands, not meeting Jordan's eye. "Yeah, I withdrew. Some personal stuff to deal with."

Amy caught Bob's unease, "We've got a lot on our plates lately."

Jordan knitted his brows with curiosity, "Everything okay?"

Bob nodded, finally addressing Jordan's eyes, "We're managing. Thanks for asking."

"Well, let me know if you need anything. Good luck with your studies, Amy. And Bob, hope to see you back in business class sometime." He waved, walking off.

Amy's finger played with the edge of her textbook, "We're going to have to tell our friends soon."

Bob glanced at her, a mix of apprehension and concern on his face. "I know, but it's just... It's a lot, Amy. How do we even begin?"

She nodded. "I get it, it's overwhelming. But they're our friends, and they deserve to know. Plus, we might need their support."

He sighed, "You're right. I just hope they take it well."

She pushed a smile to the side before speaking, "We'll face it together. And hey, maybe it won't be as bad as we're imagining."

Bob smiled supportively, picking up the next flash card and pretending to read it. "Who is the cutest boy you've ever seen?"

Amy smiled, hiding her giggles, "Brad Pitt."

Bob feigned offense making Amy spill her laughter.

Bob laughed along with her, enjoying her happiness. He felt like it had been so long since either of them genuinely laughed.

An hour later, Amy told Bob her brain was fried. She couldn't study any longer.

"Well, I guess it's good I brought just the thing to unfry your brain." He smirked, reaching for his backpack.

Amy packed up her books, "Please don't tell me it's another smoothie."

Bob let out a laugh, "No, no. I learned the first time." He pulled out a VHS tape, waving it in front of her.

"What is that?" She tried to reach for it, but he held it back from her.

"Oh, just a little rom-com called 'When Harry Met Sally', maybe you've heard of it?"

Amy gasped, "When did you get that?"

"Earlier today. Do you want to watch it?"

"Absolutely I do."

In the quiet TV room in Bob's building, Amy dozed off against Bob, the movie's glow casting a soft ambiance. Bob, engrossed in the film, glanced down at Amy. Her rhythmic breathing indicated she was asleep.

As the movie played on, Bob wrapped his arm around her. Amy, in her sleep, nestled closer to him. A surge of affection blossomed through him, he allowed his hand to rest gently on her stomach. It was a delicate, almost sacred touch. Though Amy's body showed no visible changes yet, Bob sensed a profound connection to their unborn child. He splayed his hand on her abdomen, silently promising to always protect and cherish the life growing within Amy.

Almond Joy (An Amy Blankenhooper & Bob Duncan Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora