Bob's Father

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The next few mornings of Bob and Amy settling into their apartment had been a significant change for Amy. She felt like she was learning some new about Bob every day.

Their budget was extremely tight. The allowance Amy's parents provided barely stretched past rent, utilities, and a months worth of groceries. And although Bob had more money, he also had car maintenance to pay for.

Since her scholarship still covered her meals in the mess hall, Amy made smart work of it. Collecting pads of butter or salt and pepper packets. She got even more creative once she bought Tupperware to sneak food out of the cafeteria and back home.

Amy unpacked her tupperware of pasta and the three apples she snuck away at lunch time. She didn't have long before she had to get back to class and walking all the way back to the house was a bit wasteful.  But, she had back to back classes this afternoon and wouldn't be home when Bob would be, so she wanted to make sure he had something to eat.

She zipped her backpack up at the same time something stirred in her bedroom. Amy froze. Someone must have broken in. What was she to do? She glanced at the lamp Dana had set up, no, that wouldn't do. Amy wasn't prepared to defend herself in this situation at all.

When the bedroom door opened, her heart stopped, awaiting an unknown fate.

And then it was Bob.

"Bob?!" Amy gasped, bringing a hand to her chest.

Her narrowed his gaze, "Amy? Why are you home so early?"

Her heart was still thumping against each of her ribs, "I had my test today, they let us leave afterwards." Her gaze shifted, "Why are you home?"

Bob turned away from her, folding up a sweatshirt on the back of the couch. "My dad gave me the day off today."

She raised a brow, "Again? This is the third day in a row."

Bob shrugged, "Yeah, I guess no one needs plumbing as much as they used to." He folded the sweatshirt up and a second time.

She glanced at the clock, "Look, I have to get to my next class. I brought you back some pasta." She gestured time the Tupperware. "I'll see you this evening." She slipped on her backpack and left.

Bob watched the door as he heard the lock click into place. He sat himself down at the countertop, fishing a fork from the drawer and opening the container of pasta. He unfolded the newspaper. Landing on the job advertisements page. Three jobs were circled already from where he had applied to. He clicked his pen, reading the job descriptions between bites of pasta.

The next morning, the calm of the new apartment was shattered by a relentless pounding on the door. Startled, Amy and Bob exchanged confused glances before Bob reluctantly opened the door.

Standing in the doorway was Bob's father, his face contorted with fury. "What the hell is going on, Bob?" he thundered, demanding an explanation.

Bob, caught off guard, stammered, "Dad, what are you doing here?"

His father's gaze intensified, "I got a letter saying you want your last check mailed here. Last check? What's this about quitting?"

Bob hesitated, glancing nervously at Amy, who stood silently in the background, also unaware of his decision to quit his job. "Look, Dad, I've decided to quit the business. I'm looking for a new job."

His father erupted, "Quit? You're throwing away everything we've built!"

"It's everything you've built! Not me dad, I never wanted to go into the plumbing business!"

"You ungrateful shit. I've given you everything and this is how you repay me?"

Bob didn't have time to reply before his father continued, "And what about school? What happened to your dorm?"

Bob shifted uncomfortably, "I... I dropped out."

His father's anger escalated, "Dropped out? How stupid can you be? You've lost your mind, boy!"

Amy watched the tense exchange, realizing Bob hadn't shared this part of his life with his parents yet. His father, relentless, demanded answers, hurling insults at Bob. Amy felt a wave of embarrassment for Bob, witnessing this family confrontation.

"Who is she?" his father barked, finally noticing Amy.

Bob, now furious himself, snapped, "She's my girlfriend, Dad. Her name is Amy."

His father's gaze shifted back to Amy, and he gave her a scrutinizing look. "So, you're the reason my son is ruining his future."

Amy's mouth fell, unsure of how to reply.

Bob blocked her father's view of her with his body, "Don't speak to her like that."

His father raised his hands, shouting, "This is pathetic. You are pathetic, Bob. Keeping these secrets from us. Your entire life has changed and no one knows what's going on with you!"

"You want to know what's going on, Dad? Amy is pregnant with my child. I have to make decisions to support our lives now. You can either support those decisions or you can leave!" Bob's voice was deep, threatening.

Bob's father shook his head, "I can't believe you're throwing your life away like this," his father sneered. "And getting some girl pregnant? What were you think—"

Bob, exasperated, interrupted, "Dad, we're adults, and we're figuring things out. Now, please leave."

His father, still seething, shot one last contemptuous look at Amy before storming away from the apartment. The door slammed shut, leaving Bob and Amy in an awkward silence.

Bob placed his hands on his hips, his tongue running over his teeth. "Well, you've met my father."

Tears lined Amy's eyes as she took in Bob's composure.

Bob wiped his face, his eyes slightly pink as he sniffed roughly. "Not like yours, is he?"

"Bob..." She whispered. She could hardly wrap her head around what had just happened. "Why didn't you tell me you quit your job?"

Bob turned away and reached for his coat that hung beside the door.

"Where are you going?" She stepped towards him.

"Away. I need some air."

Amy nodded, reaching for her jacket. "Then I'll come too."

"No, it's fine." He tried to make for the door, but Amy grabbed his arm.

"If I can't run, neither than you."

He looked down where her small hands held tightly on his arm. Then he met her brilliant blue eyes.

"I'm not asking you to talk." She continued. "I'm asking you to not push me away."

Bob's eyes shifted back and forth between hers, tears gathering along his waterline.

She placed a soothing hand against his cheek. "You're not alone, Bob."

He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes as he let a tear fall. And then leaned into Amy as she wrapped her arms around him. A comforting embrace he was so desperate for.

Almond Joy (An Amy Blankenhooper & Bob Duncan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now