Almond Joy

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It was a sunlit morning during the bustling orientation week at the university, and the air was charged with a sense of anticipation. Amy, a wide-eyed freshman with a backpack filled with notebooks and a determined expression, navigated through the crowd of students exploring the campus.

As she wandered, trying to familiarize herself with the labyrinthine pathways, Amy found herself in front of a stubborn vending machine. With a quizzical look, she inserted her coins, only to be met with the machine's unyielding refusal to release her snacks. Frustration crept onto her face as she contemplated abandoning the mission.

Enter Bob, a casual and approachable figure who exuded an air of laid-back confidence. Sensing Amy's struggle, he stepped forward with a friendly grin. "Need a hand there?" he asked, his hands deftly working the machine's mechanisms.

Amy looked at him with a mix of surprise and gratitude as the snacks finally dropped into her hands. "Wow, thanks! You're a lifesaver."
Bob shrugged, his grin widening. "No problem. Always happy to help."

Their eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, a spark of connection ignited. Amy couldn't help but notice the twinkle in Bob's eyes and the genuine warmth of his smile. He glanced down as she collected the two treats through the flap of the machine. "Almond Joy, good choice." He slid his hands into his pocket.

"Here." She held one out to him. "As a thank you."

He held a hand up, "No thanks. They're not really my choice."

Amy opened her mouth, playfully offended, "Who doesn't like Almond Joys?"

Bob chuckled, "Who does? Besides you." His smile was as warm as the sun and Amy felt the warmth tickle in her chest.

"Lots of people! What would you have picked?" He turned, his eyes considering the options in the machine.

"Ah, B46." He nodded with confidence.

"A snickers bar? Her face crunched.

"Can't go wrong with peanut and chocolate." His pocket jingled with coins as he fished through, before inserting them in the machine and typing in the numbers. The vending machine whirled as the two watched the bar fall expectantly. Bob retrieved it from below, holding it out to Amy.
She laughed slightly, caught off guard, "It's all yours."

"Suit yourself." He unwrapped the bar, taking a quick bite of it. The silence stretched again as he chewed.

She gestured behind herself. "I better get going." She glanced down to her feet. "Thanks again for the help."

"Not a problem." But neither of them moved.
Amy inhaled a breath, letting out a chuckle, "Okay, bye." She turned to walk off.

"See you around, Almond Joy. "

As the afternoon session of orientation kicked off, Amy and Bob found themselves unexpectedly reunited, placed in the same orientation group by the whims of chance. The air buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous energy as the group gathered, ready to embark on a journey of new beginnings.

The tour guide, an enthusiastic student with a clipboard in hand, welcomed everyone and set the tone for the day. Amy and Bob exchanged glances, a hint of recognition sparking between them as they realized they were about to share this experience together.

As the group settled into the rhythm of the day, the tour guide encouraged everyone to introduce themselves, share where they were from, what they were studying, and throw in a fun fact. Amy couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement, wondering if she would get a chance to hear Bob's introduction.

When Bob's turn came, he stood up with an easy smile. "Hey, everyone! I'm Bob, originally from a small town upstate. I'm diving into business studies because someday I hope to start my own business. Oh, and fun fact—I once climbed a mountain just to watch the sunrise. It was totally worth it."

Amy listened with genuine interest, her eyes catching Bob's as he spoke. The connection from their previous encounter by the vending machine seemed to linger, and Amy couldn't deny the spark of curiosity about the guy with the infectious smile.

When it was Amy's turn, she stood up with a warm smile. "Hi, I'm Amy. Originally from the city, and I'm pursuing a nursing degree because I've always had this strong desire to help people. Fun fact about me—my guilty pleasure is binge-watching classic romantic comedies. I can't resist a good love story."

Bob couldn't help but grin at Amy's admission, finding a sense of familiarity and charm in her choice of a guilty pleasure. The tour continued, but throughout the day, Amy and Bob found themselves gravitating toward each other during breaks and discussions.

As the university tour unfolded, Bob and Amy found themselves walking side by side with the rest of the group. The sun was low in the sky, the sky streaking with pink and orange amongst the blue.

Bob, with a playful grin, nudged Amy gently. "So, Amy, any other guilty pleasures I should know about? Maybe a favorite romantic comedy you'd recommend?"

Amy chuckled, feeling a delightful warmth in the banter. "Well, if you're up for it, I could use a movie-watching buddy. You never know, you might find a classic love story that steals your heart."

Bob feigned surprise. "Are you implying I don't appreciate a good romantic comedy?"
Amy laughed, "I guess we'll have to put that to the test."

Their playful exchange continued as the tour guide led them through various campus landmarks. As the group approached the dormitory area, the guide announced, "Alright, everyone, this is where we part ways. Some of you will be staying in these dorms, so listen up for your building assignments."

The tour guide began calling out names, and the group gradually dispersed as students headed to their respective dorms. Bob and Amy, still engrossed in their conversation, lingered near the back of the group.

Amy sighed, glancing toward her dorm building. "Well, it looks like this is my stop."

Bob raised an eyebrow, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "So soon? Our romantic comedy marathon will have to wait?"

Amy smiled, appreciating the playful tone. "Count on it. Maybe next time we can debate the merits of 70s versus 80s romantic comedies."

Bob chuckled, "Deal. I look forward to it, Amy."

As Amy headed toward her dorm, their banter lingered in the air. Bob watched her go, the playful spark in their conversation leaving him with a lingering curiosity about the girl who had once again brightened his university experience.

Almond Joy (An Amy Blankenhooper & Bob Duncan Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin