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The winter sun hung low in the sky, fighting to shine through the clouds on the snowy landscape as the Blankenhooper family, joined by Bob, gathered in the front yard for their cherished Thanksgiving weekend football game. Laughter and excitement filled the air, visible breaths forming small clouds as they prepared for the friendly match.

Bob, feeling the brisk chill on his face, couldn't help but marvel at the festive atmosphere. The snow underfoot crunched with every step, creating a perfect canvas for the impending showdown.
Amy, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, nudged Bob playfully. "Ready for some football?"

Bob grinned, nudging her back, "Ready to lose?"

Amy feigned offense, "Oh, you're totally on, football star."

Bob began walking backwards to his side, "May the best win, Almond Joy!"

The makeshift teams were formed with a mixture of family members and their fresh-faced guest, Bob. The football, cold and slightly damp from the snow, was handed to Bob, who eyed the opposing team with a mix of determination and excitement.

Amy's Uncle Steve, sporting a mischievous grin, called for the kickoff. The game began with a flurry of action – slipping, sliding, and laughter echoing through the winter air. Amy's younger cousin, Kelly, bundled up in layers, dashed across the yard with unbridled enthusiasm and a trail of giggles.

As the game progressed, Amy's family showcased their playful competitiveness. Snowy tackles and strategic passes turned the yard into a winter sports arena.

Amy, her eyes locked with Bob's, communicated silently on the snowy field. A nod here, a quick smile there – their unspoken connection transcending the winter whimsy. Finally, Bob had the ball and again. He sprinted through the snow, dodging Amy's diving family members as they tried to stop him. He was having the time of his life, even if his lungs were aching from the cold air. He had never experienced a connection like this with his family. His father never had time to toss a ball with him. His mother not a fan of sports.

As Bob closed in on the make-shift goal of a traffic come and a shovel, Amy appeared just over his shoulder. As much as Bob wanted the win, he would much rather play with Amy.
He slid to the side, just out of her grab and turned around to face her. Her cheeks bright pink from the cold and her pink beanie on the verge of flying off, they went back and forth as she tried to tackle him. Amy came toe-to-toe with him as he slowed down, holding the ball high out of her reach.

"That's just mean!" She laughed breathlessly, grabbing onto his jacket. The two tripped up in the snow, Amy falling down into Bob. He lifted his head up to look at her, fresh snowflakes like flower petals in her hair. She was so beautiful. Amy wiggled her lips, trying to fight her smile as they stared at one another. So entranced by her eyes, Bob hadn't noticed Jake run up to them, stealing the ball from Bob's hand and running it to the other side.

"TOUCHDOWN!" Uncle Stewart announced moments later, bouncing Bradley up and down.

"We won!" Amy stuck her tongue out at Bob. He stuck his out back at her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hope you're ready for you're winning celebration!" He said, her eyes widened, knowing. Bob rolled them over, carefully holding himself over her and gently shoving a handful of snow in her face. Amy burst out with laughter, trying to push him away before tossing snow back at him desperately. And before Bob could continue to dress Amy's blonde hair in tufts a snow, something hit him in the back. He looked over his shoulder, Kelly was quick to prepare another snowball.

"Oh, I don't think so, Kelly!" He jumped up, balling snow in his own hand. Kelly squealed with laughter, running off as he chased her.
Amy sat up on her hands, watching them run around. Jamie walked towards her, hands behind her back.

Almond Joy (An Amy Blankenhooper & Bob Duncan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now