The First Date

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Time marched on, and mid-terms arrived, bringing with them a flurry of stress and late-night study sessions. Despite the academic pressure, Amy continued attending football games, soaking in the vibrant energy. However, a pattern emerged – Bob always seemed to show up at the very end, just in time to witness Amy's daring escapades.

After each game, Bob would walk her home, their conversations growing more intimate with each passing night. However, as mid-terms approached, a sense of unease crept into Amy's mind. Bob's appearances were so rare during the week, leaving her wondering if he was intentionally avoiding her.

The Monday of mid-terms, Amy searched for an empty study room. As she passed one, she unexpectedly made eye contact with Bob who was with a groupZ Instinctively, she tried to hide behind a bookshelf. Unbeknownst to her, Bob noticed and followed her gaze, eventually finding her.

"What are you doing down there?" Bob asked, his expression a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Oh, um, just looking for a book." She pulled on out at random. "Found it!"

Bob tilted his head, reading the title, "The Beauty of Greek Architecture?"
Amy's eyes dove down to the book in her hands. "Yes." She blinked at it. "Yes, of course. It's for one of my classes."

"You study Greek Architecture in your nursing program?"

"Well," She scoffed, trying to buy time to think, "Of course. We have to learn about hospitals from that time."

"And how to build one in 500 b.c.?"Bob's suspicion lingered, and Amy finally confessed, "I thought you were avoiding me."

Bob, genuinely surprised, shook his head. "No, Amy, that's not the case at all. Why would you think that?"

Amy hesitated before voicing her insecurity, "Well, you never ask me out, and I hardly see you around during the week."

Bob mirrored her question, "Why haven't you asked me out?"

Amy sighed, "Because I never see you around. It's like you vanish into thin air."

Bob, with a hint of vulnerability, revealed a part of his life that he had kept hidden. "I've been going home a lot to help with my dad's plumbing business."

Amy, now understanding the source of his stress, asked, "Is that what's been bothering you?"

Bob nodded, "Yeah. My dad wants me to take over the business, but I don't want that. It's been really stressful for me."

Amy, realizing the weight of the burden he carried, softened. "Bob, you should've told me. I'm here for you."

He looked away. "It's not something I really care to talk about."

Amy finally stood, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to force you to tell me."

He shrugged, "I suppose I'd rather you know than to think I'm avoiding you." He held out his hand to take the book from her and return it to its place.

She crossed her arms. "How do you know I don't actually need that?"

"Do you actually need it?" He raised a brow. His eyes could easily put Amy in a trance. They were such a clear blue she could swim in them.
"No." She couldn't help but smile.

"What do you say we go out tomorrow night?" He suggested.

"I have a nine a.m. Wednesday morning." She pouted slightly, "Wednesday night?"

"Helping my dad. Thursday night?"

She nodded quickly. "I could do Thursday night."

"Great. I'll meet you outside your dorm around seven?"

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