Dealing With The Nemesis Wannabe

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(Y/N) stood with his back to the vault door frame, internally debating how the hell he was going to get out of this. All he had was a gun without ammunition and a knife on the floor. That was all he had to take on a giant, writhing, fleshy mass. Lovely.

(Y/N) thought about the gun's previous shape, wishing it hadn't changed. A pistol was so much easier to sneak with than a rifle. Just as he was thinking that he felt the gun shift once again in his hand, returning to its previous shape.

'Convenient,' (Y/N) thought to himself before stashing it in the breast pocket of his jacket. However, whatever magic it was that allowed the gun to transform also caught the monster's attention. Its head whirled around before doing its best to roar, impeded by the fact that its mouth was stitched shut. It rushed at (Y/N)'s current location, forcing him to dive out of the way. The ground that the beast covered began to fizz and pop, becoming slick with what could only be described as stomach acid. As the beast charged, (Y/N) ran to its side, making a mad dash for the exit. He was able to make it, as the foyer of the vault wasn't that large. However, once he reached the door, he realized there was a problem.

The door was locked.

"Shit, shit shit!" (Y/N) muttered to himself, fumbling with the doorknob. "C'mon!" Seeing that the demon was starting to recover, (Y/N) abandoned the door temporarily and dove behind one of the consoles that monitored the vault, both of them flashing red. (Y/N) was full-on panicking at this point. He was trapped in a locked room with a demon the size of a small school bus straight out of his nightmares with, he reiterates, an empty gun and a knife back in the vault.

'Okay, think, (Y/N), think,' the boy yelled in his head to calm down. 'This Stolas guy's dumb enough to take on the Seven Deadly Sins. Maybe he's dumb enough to store a gun while it's loaded?' (Y/N) took the gun from his breast pocket and pulled back the slide, granting him access to the chamber, praying to whoever would listen that there was a bullet in there.

It was empty.

'Fucking damn it,' (Y/N) thought, throwing his head back in frustration. 'Maybe the vents?' (Y/N) whipped his head around in every direction. The fact that he could breathe meant there had to be one somewhere, and there was. It was about ten feet off the ground, though, so there was no way he was reaching it without help, and the only form of potential help was the eight-foot-tall demon he was trying to avoid.

It was then that (Y/N) had an idea. It was, in fact, a very stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless. (Y/N) leveled the empty pistol at the demon. He could feel his heart racing, the air burning in his lungs. (Y/N) closed his right eye, as that was what felt natural, let the air out of his lungs, let out a silent prayer to his father, and pulled the trigger.


A single shot sounded, the popping sound still ringing in (YN)'s ears. A bullet of pure light and darkness, spiraling per the rifling, exited the barrel of the pistol. It tore through the air like wet tissue paper, a miniature sonic boom sounding on its way. It sped toward the massive demon...

Only for it to bounce harmlessly off its flesh.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" (Y/N) yelled, exasperated by the display. That sent any semblance of stealth out the window as well, and the beast turned to face him. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in realization of exactly what situation he had gotten himself into.

"Ah, shit," he sighed, as the beast once more charged at him. (Y/N) dove out of the way, causing it to impact the wall behind him, thankfully right below the vent.

"Now or never," (Y/N) muttered to himself, running face-first at the demon. It was easily the dumbest idea he ever had, even dumber than shooting what he thought was an empty gun. The son of Greed used the monster's slug-like tail as a springboard, running along its back before jumping off its head and into the vent. Sure, his arms would probably hurt like hell once the adrenaline wore off, but that was something he could deal with in the future. For now, (Y/N) crawled through the vent like his life depended on it because, for the most part, it did. He crawled and crawled, making a pair of lefts before finding an exit to the vent. He was able to shift his body around so his feet were in front, kicking out the vent covering and climbing out. He found himself on the other side of the locked door to the vault foyer. He breathed a sigh of relief that he had made it out and turned around, ready to climb out of the basement.

Then the damned thing burst through the door.

"Oh fuck off you Nemesis wannabe!" (Y/N) yelled, displeased. He needed this thing dead. He knew that this was the main thing standing between him and getting out of there and helping the others save the world. Once this thing was dead, he could grab them, snap them out of it, and get back on the road. Not only that, but this thing was just plain annoying. He didn't just need it dead.

He wanted it dead.

Upon that realization, a phrase once more came to mind. "Sapere ciò che vuoi, perdere ciò di cui hai bisogno!" (Y/N) yelled out once again, the words flowing straight from his mind to his mouth. As he did, the gun in his hands began to glow, first in the chamber, but as he pulled the trigger, it became as bright as a flashbang moving down the barrel. The bullet came out like a piece of gold smearing across the room, planting itself directly between the demon's eyes. Once more, it seemed unphased and its head began moving up and down, as if the thing were laughing. It lunged at (Y/N), swinging the closest thing it had to an arm at (Y/N) when it suddenly paused. A small glow emanated from the exact spot where the bullet hit it, crystals erupting from the spot. Diamonds, amethysts, pearls, jade, if it held decent value and was a crystal or gemstone, it was enveloping the demon that had been chasing (Y/N). The creature reached out one last time, desperate to get some kind of hit in, one last pitiful attempt to kill the boy, but the hit never arrived. Its hand had been fully encased mere inches from (Y/N)'s forehead.

(Y/N) was hyperventilating, the adrenaline finally having a chance to wear off. He stored the gun in his breast pocket once more before turning around, looking to see if there was a way out of the basement nearby. Thankfully, whatever he killed was some kind of maze master, as there was a staircase only a couple hallways down. (Y/N) climbed the stairs and returned to the suite. He had the information he needed and was able to get something else out of it. He deserved a rest before he got them all out, right? So, he collapsed on the most comfortable bed he'd ever slept in, ready to get a good nap in and his energy recovered. Sure, he had only slept a couple hours before, but it still felt like he had been up for four days straight. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he was sure that question could wait.


Alright, last chapter of this side plot. Next chapter, a little more stuff happens, then back to mains. Let's get ready to rumble.

A Son From Lands Unknown (PJO x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora