The exaggeratedly tanned blonde positioned in the middle of the group laughed arrogantly and glanced at both of her sides. She then whispered something to the other two who nodded at whatever she had said. I tried not to roll my eyes at how cliché and ridiculous they looked. The girl, who was wearing a very tight mini skirt, a cropped top and painfully-looking high heels stepped out. Once she stood right in front of me I held back a yelp that threatened to burst. The amount of make up she was using was supernatural. Seriously, the joker could easily pass as her sibling. She crossed her arms over her outstandingly fake boobs, bunching them up, and pretty much hungry for the attention of the public.

"A newby. Cool. " She said rolling her eyes, her fake lashes almost reaching and slapping my own face. I nodded silently. My quietness seemengly encouraged her to keep talking. "Did you get here with Damian?" Didn't I just get out of his car? I thought, but didn't pointed it out. I decided to answer with another nod. In reality, I had nothing to say to her; the quicker she finished speaking to me the happiest I would be. Apparently my happiness was on a road-trip and wasn't arriving at any time soon; the girl eyed me up and down and then said "That's so unusual. I mean, not to be rude or anything but, you're so... dull?" she interrupted herself, chewing on her gum loudly and twirling a piece of her hair with a finger repeatedly "like, you're not even pretty. And your boobs... They're so small. Can you even hold anything? " she laughed, the other two as well.

Oh. I knew what this was all about. The fact that I arrived with Damian infuriated them. I wanted to tell her that we were just friends or how she even if I was a wasn't losing up on anything, but her words hurt and the fact that she said them for no apparent reason angered me.

I smirked and glanced down at my boobs. "For some reason he seems to enjoy them. Maybe cause they don't look nor feel as if they were made in China." I said, shrugging innocently. After shifting her weight from one foot to another, she cleared her throat. I could tell she wasn't expecting me to respond to her snarky comment, but hell she had no idea what it was like to deal with an angered version of myself.

With a less confident smile she opened her lipstick-stained mouth "Who do you think you are? You know he's probably just playing around with you. It won't last long..." Her smile changed to a mischievous smirk, giving out her damned demeanor. Well, more like emphasizing it. We already knew she was evil.

I exhaled loudly "hear me out dude, my time is too precious and I can't just waste it out. Why don't you just go and swallow all your makeup so you can be at least a little prettier on the inside and help us all for the love of Jesus?" I smiled widely, patting her on the shoulder twice but then regretting it since I forgot I could get and STD. Her face showed surprise once I let the words flow.

With a frown in her forehead and twitchy hands on her sides the blonde tried to approach me, but before she could launch herself at me a guy -with dark blue hair, shaped like a cliff and probably in his early twenties got in the way.

He glanced at me and spoke "You just got here... and there's a chick eager to go all "Mayweather" on you, already?" He asked, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. A grin then made its way onto his face, misleading my previous perceptions "hot " he winked at me and I frowned, about to turn around and search for Damian. The guy, who's name I still didn't know, seemed to read my mind and stopped me from doing so "Oh, right. I'm Sam. I'm also Damian's friend. I was just joking, by the way" he extended his hand. After a few of seconds, I shook it reluctantly. You can't trust anybody this days.

"Okay, nice to meet you...Sam. I need to go and find him. Sorry " I tried to step forward, but his arm stopped me. "What-"

"Don't worry. He was also looking for you. The guy just sent me to find you and then keep an eye on you while he's at it."

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