
Start from the beginning

"I've brought you here for a bigger purpose, You'll do as I say Juliet, because if you don't," He snapped his fingers and the door to the room slammed open as two demigods dragged a tied up Annabeth in. Both girls looked at each other with wide fearful eyes, clearly they were both each other's bait.

The sight of Annabeth, bound and helpless, sent a jolt of shock through Juliet. Their eyes met, and in that shared gaze, a silent understanding passed between them. The gravity of the situation deepened as Luke reveled in the power he held over both demigods.

Juliet's defiant glare wavered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of concern for Annabeth. The realization that Luke had orchestrated their captures as part of a larger scheme tightened the knot of fear in her chest. She felt the weight of responsibility not only for her own escape but for Annabeth's safety as well.

Luke continued to circle them, his satisfaction evident. "Now, you see, Juliet, you have a choice to make. Will you cooperate willingly, or shall we make this more unpleasant for both of you?"

The room seemed to close in on them, the air thick with tension. Juliet's mind raced, calculating the odds, searching for a loophole in Luke's plan. She exchanged a silent communication with Annabeth, and realised there was no escape.

Fuck, there was no escape.

Whatever happens, Juliet needed to protect Annabeth. She'd offer herself as bait for Annabeth to think of a plan and then they'll escape together.

She wouldn't allow Luke to break her, nor would she let harm come to Annabeth.

Juliet nodded, there was no option left. Annabeth's muffled screams of protest passed away as background noise as Luke hauled Juliet up and turned to the demigods by the door, "Watch the other girl, I'll take this one up to the general."

Who was the general? Juliet's mind reeled as Luke pulled her through the hallways.

As Luke dragged Juliet through the dimly lit hallways, her mind raced with questions. Who was this general, and what was Luke going to do with her?

The twisting corridors seemed endless, and the air grew colder as they ascended a set of stairs. Juliet's mind remained sharp, seeking any clue or opportunity that could aid her escape. She stole glances around, memorizing the layout of the path they took, preparing herself for a moment when she could turn the tables.

Luke pushed her outside and the sunlight streamed in, Juliet had to blink twice to adjust to the sudden light as she looked around at where she was, they were on a mountain, She didn't know which one yet, but Luke was pulling her around and she would find out soon. There were ruins, blocks of black granite and marble as big as houses. Broken columns. Statues of bronze that looked as though they'd been half melted. Ruins, what mountain had ruins?

She wracked her brain to try to come up with something. They picked their way through the rubble, past blocks of marble and broken archways, Luke held Juliet's arms as he dragged her forward. Soon they had reached the summit. A few yards ahead of them, gray clouds swirled in a heavy vortex, making a funnel cloud that almost touched the mountaintop, but instead rested on the shoulders a titan.

Juliet stopped, she realised what Luke had brought her here for and she felt. her soul shrivelling up. No! No! He wanted her to hold the roof of the world. He wanted her to take Atlas's place. She struggled within his grasp, trying to break free or step back, but Luke just held her tightly and pushed her forward.

The titan seemed to loom over the mountaintop. Juliet's mind raced, seeking any possible way to escape the incoming torture. The burden of holding the sky was no ordinary task, and the consequences of failure was being crushed to death.

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