Battle 44: Fire And Ice

Start from the beginning

Ash: Yeah! All of Ash's friends and his fans celebrate while Trace watches from the lobby and Gary watches on with his cheerleaders.

Announcer: And a very happy Ash Ketchum will now move on to the third round of this Pokémon League competition!

Gary: Just look at him. He wins two easy matches and he's acting like he won the whole competition. (walks out of the arena) He better enjoy all his celebrating now. Same with Niko. Because when their luck runs out, both Niko and Ash Ketchum won't have anything to cheer about. Unless they want to cheer for me, right, girls? The cheerleaders cheer Gary on as he walks out of the arena. He then bumps into someone.

Levi: Watch it! Levi spat.

Gary: Hmph. What's his problem? Gary walked off.

Meanwhile, outside the arena, Team Rocket pops out of some garbage cans.

Jessie: Oh, what a cruel twist of fate. Thousands are all inside rooting for Ash while Team Rocket is outside rooting through trash.

Meowth: Let's come up with some plans and get out of these cans!

James: Say! There's a way we can swipe Pikachu that I know.

Team Rocket: So, let's all get to work and get on with the show. Ash are at Niko's battle on the grass field, and both them and the fans are ready for the match to start, even Trace was watching.

Announcer: And now both trainers are down to their last Pokémon. This is still anyone's game here folks. Poliwrath stood in the battlefield breathing heavily as Fearow flew over it.

Trace: Not looking good for Niko.

Ash: What's going on?

Duplica: Well, Niko was doing pretty good at the start and beat the other trainers Graveler and Rapidash, but that Fearow is a real heavy hitter.

Trainer B: Fearow dive in with Drill Peck! Fearow dive-bombs.

Niko: Poliwrath, stay on your guard! Fearow gets closer. Now! To the right! Poliwrath sidesteps just in time. Fearow couldn't stop its attack and its beak gets stuck in the ground.

Brock: This is Niko's chance for a comeback.

Niko: Finish this with Ice Punch! Poliwrath charges and strikes Fearow directly, sending it skidding across the ground.

Trainer B: Fearow, no!

Referee: Fearow is unable to battle! Poliwrath is the winner, which means the victory goes to the green trainer, Niko. He will move onto the third round!

Niko: Yahoo! Great job, Poliwrath! Poliwrath starts flexing in celebration.

Trace: Wow. His Poliwrath is pretty good.

Ash: Way to show em, Niko!

Pikachu: Pi Pikachu! (Hip hip hooray)

Later that evening, our heroes are at the cabin they're staying at for the duration of the competition Misty enters the bedroom, where Brock is feeding Ash and Pokémon, but he was not there

Misty: Hey, where'd Ash go?

Brock: He was hungry, so he went to get something to eat.

Misty: What? You mean he ran out to eat and he didn't even take his Pokémon to the Pokémon Center to have them treated?

Brock: He said he was really starving. Niko said he knew one restaurant that could make the best food around here.

Misty: But these Pokémon are gonna get all worn out. Well, that's typical Ash, but I wasn't expecting this from Niko. She then looks at Togepi. Aw, are you hungry, too, Togepi? Misty places Togepi down, and Squirtle happily shares his food with Togepi. Meanwhile, Ash and Niko are searching for a place to eat.

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