Paw Patrol: Meeting the Troll Pups

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Mason: I'm Mason and I gave you guys pizza, but that particular one was named magic pizza!

Veil: It's one of the best things we've had in years!

Prowl: (smiles and nods) Yeah!

Lure: Yummy!

Mason: (with the troll pup recipe scroll) I'll have my friends mass produce this then it goes to the museum!

Chase: Say, where will you three go?

Veil: (realizes) (embarrassed) We have no idea, I feel like we have no home to go back to and that island doesn't have enough food for us either!

Zuma: I hope you guys find a place to call home!

Veil: (touched) Thank you sweetie!

Mason: I have an idea of where you three can get more food?

Troll pups: (eagerly) Ooh! Please show us!

(scene changes to the Magic Paw Inn/Arena where the troll pup family are busy devouring pizzas being magically provided by Wildfire and Venus)

Venus: (giggles) These three are quite ravenous!

Mason: (nods) Yep!

Veil: (realizes) Wait, how much do these cost?

Mason: I paid for them, so you guys know about money?

Veil: We use plants and certain other things as a form of currency!

Prowl: (nods)

(a rift opens before the elemental brawler known as Oracle)

Veil: (eyes widen) (realizes something) I remember something a witch doctor said! Or maybe it was a shaman?

Oracle: You okay dear?

Veil: (nods) He said something about how my family would one day encounter a powerful being who nicknamed himself Mason and that he's the leader of entities called the elemental brawlers!

Veil: (looks back and Mason) Are you...?

Mason: (summons a mega meatball) (nods) I'm the one you speak of!

Oracle: (reveals the fate of the troll pups world)

Veil, Prowl, and Lure: (gasps) That magic destroyed our world, forever!

Lure: (sniffles) Where will we live now?

Prowl: We're not going to an island, that's for sure!

Mason: I can help with that! (curiously) Do you pups have magic?

Veil: We're skilled hunters and trackers, we know how to craft certain things like the spears with vines, we've got knowledge of alchemy and stuff that's similar to it, and we're able to magically heal from many things!

Mason: Quite an impressive combination! (to Oracle) Nobody else heard our conversations, right?

Oracle: (winks) All good dad!

Mason: (to troll pups) My family would be more than happy to adopt you three!

Veil: (surprised) (touched) You would?

Mason: (nods) It'd be no trouble at all!

Wildfire: There's plenty of space for everybody there, we would know since he adopted ours!

Prowl: (curiously) Mind if we check it out?

Mason: Sure! But how about not hunting animals in worlds like this?

(scene changes to not long after revealing the troll pups happily enjoying Mason's archipelago universe)

Prowl: (enjoying a coconut drink) Mason, was right this place is lovely!

Veil: It sure is sweetie, plus Mason empowered our family a little too!

Lure: (happily plays with some of the younger residents) So much fun! (giggles)

Mason: (walks over) You three okay?

Veil: Mason, this is a lovely place to call home! (curiously) Say, do you have anywhere for us to hunt?

Mason: We do have a magical hunting universe, might help restrain those instincts!

Prowl: (eagerly) Now you're talking!

Veil: We can check it out later, my love! I'd rather just kick back and relax!

Prowl: (chuckles) Fair enough Veil, that really does sound nice too!

(Mason lets the troll pups enjoy their new home as a paw-shaped iris-out occurs before slowly going to black)


Paw Patrol Odyssey 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora