Vibrations and Frequencies

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Vibrations and Frequencies are where you and me live the life we lead.

They are in my writings

Imagine a ruler with fractional inches

Fractional marks indicating Vibrations

Inch marks equaling Frequencies

Vertical Ruler

North and South

Ascending and Descending

Now imagine a never ending ruler

Ascending and Ascending

Countless Vibrations leading to Countless Frequencies

Positive and negative vibrations

Which way do you want to go?

How do you want to live Yo?

Once you pass the frequency of  love

Even the negatives are positives

Once you figure it out

Stay on any frequency you find and explore your way around

Explore East and West

Hang out

North, South, East, West,

However you choose

Enjoy the journey

North leads you

Divine Purpose

South of Love removes you from connection




Positive and Negatives

A parity paired with everything everywhere

Leading the Way

Negative Vibes

Form like a slide

Sliding and sliding

Quickly flying

Flying down far from your God given Crown

Positive Vibes require climb

A process by design





A Growing, Evolving,  Perspective Attaining journey to the Transformation of you.

You are now free now to find you

Discover the you that you desire to be

You put yourself on Earth for this Journey

Yes, you wanted this trip

Funny isn't it!

Northern Frequencies

North equals Love and Ascension

Southern Frequencies all rob you of your Eternity!

Due North for Me!

Vibrations and Frequencies carrying you and me to our Divinity

If the Northern route is your seek then please, please, understand that the path towards Love is not an easy one

Getting into God's Army!

It is a tough love Journey

A Northern climb requires

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