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It Is Time!

Collective whose mission is to ascend in frequency by positively vibrating through our lives and our individual or collective creations and endeavors.

We stand for


Jesus our King and Savior

He is in us.

We Chose Him

We Choose Him

Angels and the Holy Spirit!


Divine Purpose

Want Not

Seek Not

Individual Church



Love equals Light

Darkness can not enter the light.

Love equals Right

Not of Love equals Wrong

Love equals Freedom

Freedom equals Love

The Sun is Life

Love all Life

Love ALL Life

Nature is Life

Love equals Without Question

Love is the first step towards all life without question.

Time is of no consequence

The only time right now is now

We Live, Love, And Celebrate the Present. The Now.

We communicate, without fear, to express our Love!

We live on Vibrations and Frequencies.

Spoken and Written words are contracts.

A broken contract is a better choice than a lower vibration or frequency.

Lower vibrations lead to lower frequencies

Accountability and Shadow Work are an ongoing must to maintain balance.


We seek a toxin free environment for all.

A toxin free intake is a baseline standard

One does not solicit, infringe, advertise, or impede the worship of another

God will send them or they will find you

One has shelter, food, and inherent value within Catalyst from day 1.

One is free to exist, create, apprentice, heal, and grow as a part of Catalyst.

one is not allowed to detract, take, negatively impact, or impede life from another within Catalyst.

Higher vibrations lead to higher frequencies, divinity, divine purpose, light, source, connection, one....

our body is our temple

our vessel, presented, to us from our creator. A powerful vessel designed by our creator for our use as WE seek to attain our God given divine purpose.

our feed or intake means everything at all times.

Divine Purpose is our Collective North.


Celebration of Love

Celebration of Self Expression

Celebration of Unity

Celebration of Divinity and what that means.

I am you

You are me

Effort is Currency internally with Catalyst!

Abundance is internal!

Catalyst is a colllective of an enthusiastic "One"!

FreedomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz