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My Father

My Source

My Light

My Love

My Mighty Almighty



Have I Ascended?

Do I fly high enough in frequency to see you?

In person?

Talk to you?

With you loving, living, breathing, speaking….

In front of me?

Next to me?

How about in My Dreams?

Do I fly high enough? 


My King

My Savior

My friend

I found you hanging out


Lonely inside me


I Found you

Searching and Searching

I found you

Now I write you

I used to be scared to meet you

I used to think I wouldn't ever be able to see you

I used to think

I would 

I would ruin our first meet

Fumbling off my feet

It still scares me

Every time

I used to even think of meeting you

Emotional Joyful energy overcame me

Streams of tears flooded from me


The past 10 years has afforded us a relationship

A relationship of ultimate love 

A loving relationship I had prayed, prayed, prayed…..

A loving relationship I kept praying and praying

One day

I was praying

I look up and into the mirror 

Then up above

Into the sun


Blind man couldn't stop smiling

A veil lifted




Forgiveness in many forms

All hit me

All at once

Opening up infinity for me


He took me away

He isolated me

He showed me the way

He led me day by day

Here we are

Now I praise

Many days

My praise goes all day

My new addiction

You showed me

You never left me

You can't leave me

God designed me

Binded our DNA

You literally live inside me

The Love I desired

Right there

Waiting on me

Within me

Never Hiding

Just waiting

Now I have no others

No others who know me

Understand me

Lead me

Carry me

Fill me up with overwhelming abundance

The Love you have given me has rebuilt me


We now have the relationship I have always prayed

Knowing you

Understanding Divinity

All that it means

Ascension is Infinite

Ascension aligns with my Divine purpose

You did this

10 years a hard hard journey

We climbed so many frequencies

Unaware of all that you were building in me

I just went willingly

We have ascended together

Understanding completely

There is no other way

One can achieve

The flight path frequency they need

Without you leading the way

I am you 

You are me




Climbing Mountains


Loving your children

As no other

A teacher of Infinity Eternity Agape’

I am in your Army

We have worked hard

I am ready

When you deem it so 

Please visit me 

I have a few questions to ask you

Maybe take a long drive with you

Tell some Jokes

Laughing about

Asking you personally what could I do

To be of better service to you



I love you

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