The Journey (Ascension)

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Where do I begin?


Once you met him

Talked to him

Talk to him

You will soon understand Ascension

If you let him in

If you learn how to listen to the him in you.

Crazy now be the new you

You will feel like you are on a ledge

Keep listening

Go with it

He has you

Now he is you

He will take you on a Journey to the you only you can be...

A unique you


Using you

Showing you



He is King

You are him

He is you

Can you understand?

Read again

Literal words

No Illusions

Ascended man hopefully helping you like no one else can.

On a ledge


He taught me

He teaches me


We go through an amazing journey

Understanding life and all that it means



Amazing is the only way to describe this Journey

Vibration and Frequencies

Ask him to show you what that means


Ascend all you can

Until you break through

Break through

Rebirth of a New You.

Once you break through to you

Take a breath or two

You just climbed mountains and never had to move

He carried you through

Look at you on top of that mountain.

The old you

Releasing all the old in you



Rest up

I am telling you

Rest up all that you can after you break through

A new journey will quickly be upon you

Divine Purpose now in front of you

Keep reading

I hope to leave a manual for you

Until then

Want not

Seek not

Be still

Understanding the last three lines will provide all the perspective one needs to find.

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