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[Jenna...it is time that you awake.] mother softly says [You need to breathe, my love.]

[Do I really have to go?] I asked as she nodded [But I want to stay with you!]

[One day you will. But first, you need to learn how to survive in the water. And honestly, my love, I would rather have you anywhere else except Atla! It isn't safe here right now!]

[But, do you promise that you will bring me home when it is safe?!]

[Of course.] she promises [There hasn't been a single day that has gone by that I do not think about you, my love. But until then, please listen to the mermaids of the Mizu Pod, and be safe my love.]


I slowly awakened, my deep blue eyes looking around in a strange underwater world. I wondered if I was still in Atla. However, it soon became clear that I wasn't in Atla, but in the bathtub.

[Shot, I must have fallen asleep!] I yawned, pearly bubbles escaping my mouth as I wanted to go back to sleep and venture forth to my mother's side. [I still haven't needed to breathe yet. I guess being a mermaid does have its perks.]

'I should get out before someone thinks that I drowned!'

I tried kicking my legs out, but the command wasn't translated as I tried once again and I felt something alien. I looked down at what was causing my legs to go numb, when I saw something golden rise, solid, and glistening in the rising morning sun. It slipped up the other side of the bath tub and disappeared above the surface as I wanted to scream.

I thrashed around as my tail splattered water around as I finally surfaced and breathed. I look straight down at my scaly waist and my brand-new tail. The scales on the front were almost golden-silver as they slowly transition to golden-copper. I immediately pulled the cord as I did not know what to do or think!

'I have a tail!' my mind screamed.

I felt my eyes swell, but no tears were shed as I could no longer cry. This only makes me sadder as I hear running feet descending upon my room as Nerissa and Bella came running in as I looked at them, absolutely terrified.

"She has her tail!" Bella chimes as Nerissa comes immediately over, looking at it.

"It looks in great condition!" she says as she looks at my swollen eyes.

"It is okay to feel terrible, Tobi," Bella assures. "I was terrified when I grew my tail too!"

I look over at the young Irish girl, finding that her comment wasn't really helping. However, I knew that she was concerned about me as she and Nerissa took my care very seriously. I closed my eyes to calm my heart as I then remembered my mother telling me that I was fated to be a mermaid, and that she would be waiting for me when the strife in Atla was finished.

"Thank you, mom." I softly whispered. I would have to readjust to being a mermaid for now. "It feels so weird! It is so long! Is that natural, Nerissa!?" as I cannot even see my own caudal fin. "Who is the other girl!?"

"Muirgen O'Sullivan!" she answers with a deep Irish ascent that reminded me of mother "However, you can call me Bella."

"Help her out, she is starting to panic." Nerissa commanded just as Bella gloved up and together, they lifted me out of the bathtub and flipped me over so that I was laying on my belly.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 2 - The Crystal Cave (TG/TF Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz