The Lunar Pool

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My eyes remain transfixed on the full moon above, as I watched it intensify the energies deep inside this cave. The glowing sparks of light danced around like fireflies as the blue crystals seemed to cascade lunar energy down towards the center of the cave and deep into the pool.

I have had enough as I felt that this wasn't the right place to be.

I desperately swam over to the edge as I climbed out of the pool with Aquata, Sirena, Andrina and Veridia begging me to come back in. They frantically swam over, trying to pull me back into the blue water. However, I managed to crawl over the cold crystalline floor as I watched the blue crystals plate pulsate with energy, just underneath me.

The whole crystalline satellite was activated just by taking in the light of the full moon. I gazed at the ancient technology awakening as I finally understood that I was inside something that looked like ancient technology from a bygone race.

"Come back in!" Veridia begs me "It will be much easier on you if you just accept your fate!"

I shook my head as I folded my knees close to my chest, my weary eyes looking at the four mermaids blocking the only passageway out. Sirena swims over to the ramp as she crawls out of the pool and drags herself towards me.

'So, that is what that ramp is for.' I pondered as Sirena tried to change my mind.

"It isn't that bad!" she tells me softly. "There is absolutely no pain if that is what is scaring you."

"I do not want to be a mermaid!" I exclaimed as I hope that they do not take offense. "This might be your life, but it isn't mine! I am deathly afraid of the sea!"

Andrina glanced up as she looked at the silver moon centering over a massive hole that was blasted into the crystalline satellite during an ancient battle. She then warned Sirena...

"There isn't much time, Syrena. Maybe a minute or two."

"Sirena! Leave him!" Calls her older sister, Aquata "Come back into the pool."

Sirena nods as she turns and looks back at me and then slides down the ramp and joins her sister. I looked up seeing that the full moon was almost overhead as I felt the energy swirl around me and then amplify deep inside of me.

I felt a strong pull, urging me to go back into the water. With a sudden pulse of energy, the moon was directly overhead as I was forced to look up and stare at the enchanted moon. I felt its cold energy washing over me like a cold shower.

I slowly rose to my feet as I acted upon impulse. I walked over to the pool as I looked down at the water boiling with gases from the energy discharged in the crystalline satellite. Veridia swims over as she offers her hand for me to take; while Aquata does the same as she looks up at me, beckoning.

"Do not be afraid!" Aquata kindly tells me, smiling "Come into the pool and join us. It is the only way you will leave this place."

No longer fearful...I felt like I was dreaming as I took their webbed hands and stepped carefully into the pool. Sinking down in a torrent of white bubbles, the energy that I once saw flowing around me in the sea, now enters my body, causing my skin to shimmer like moonlight.

Veridia helped to bring me back to the surface as my mind was clouded by the intense frequency emitted by the crystals. I was surrounded by four mermaids, making certain that I did not flee once more.

"I..." I commented, feeling like I was in a daze " is hard to concentrate!"

"Then do not think." Veridia told me "Just relax, and let it happen!"

I felt Veridia gently push me back as she had me float in the pool. My blue-grey eyes looked up at the beautiful moon above; my face basking in the moonlight. My clouded mind then surrendered to the power of the moon, welcoming luna to change my soul into pure water!

Atlantean Doctrine Book 2 - The Crystal Cave (TG/TF Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora