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I slowly woke up, feeling the rain pelt me on the face as I have been sleeping for what felt like eons! I look up at a massive circle with howling winds and sheer icy cold rain falling.

My memory finally catches up with me...


     "What did the Farallon Pod call you, my child?" the leader of the Mizu Pod asked, as I am shy and cannot look at her directly.

     "Mica Farallon..." I answered as I swam with the lovely woman with her long golden tail gracefully cutting through the waves. She seemed rather saddened by my words.

     "They conditioned you to their pod?" she asked as she circled around, her golden caudal stopping me.

     "Are you aware of the laws, Mica?" I shook my head, for all of this was quite new to me.

     "When a pod asks for residence, that pod must undergo a transfiguration into the new pod, or face expulsion...even death! The Farallon Pod, with all of its pride and glory, is a nomadic pod with no real home. I have given them the Tasman Sea, but it comes at a cost..."

   "What..." as I am shaky with concern "...cost?" Veridia then points at me "Me!?" I cried out...I want to flee from this fate.

     Veridia holds me gently, trying to conform my horror.

     "Do not fret my are in no immediate danger!"

     "Then what does transfiguration mean to you?" I belligerently asked, not all too careful with my words.

     Ashamed, I then turned away, embarrassed by my sudden outburst.


     Veridia pushes the hair from my face, softly saying in response.

     "Don't be! It is a good question." I wanted to plead, but she suddenly placed a finger against my soft pink lips, hushing me.

     Off in the distance, I see two younger mermaids swimming up to us.

    "It isn't painful, if that is what you are wondering." She then glances at me and then at the two young mermaids, into during them to me. "This is Sirena and Aquata, they will take you to Repulse Island to undergo the hatchling process..."

     The eldest of the two mermaids, Aquata, swims up to me and places a root-like-object under my nose as I feel my whole body go limp. I slowly faded away, going into a deep sleep, caught under the spell of the plant. The last thought that ran through my mind was...

     'So, this is how the story ends...'

     And that is where it all ended.


I slowly opened my eyes as I wanted to cry, but being a mermaid, I was unable to shed a single tear due to having no tear ducts. This does not mean that mermaids cannot cry...we cry internally and usually shed our tears through our gills.

The whole cavern shakes violently as I glanced up to the heavens as one of the warm raindrops splats the corner of my eye, rolling down my cheek and arriving at the corner of my awaiting mouth.

I sipped the freshwater drop, noticing that the fresh water no longer burns like it once did!

With the cavern shaking from the harsh winds, I decided to see if there was a way out of here.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 2 - The Crystal Cave (TG/TF Story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat