Chapter 10 : Let's start

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Continuation of Pete's POV

If I have to be honest originally giving my body to him was not the plan . But still I did freak I always lose my sh!ts when he comes closer to me . This guy still affects me a lot .

He stopped in mid way . Well I am enjoying . Why does he feel lust for me after this long . I mean before even if we were married he never tried to make any intimacy not even hugs or kisses . But why now . He is reason for every pain of my life . Everything .

" You stopped . I was not enjoying at all . I love doing it with my fiancé ." Suddenly Vegas entered me again .

" shut up! Pete. F*ck your round peachy a$$. They are just perfect for me . Only me . " What does he think of himself .

" get that shit out of mine if Bible sees this . I will be doomed . " But he didn't stop and after few minutes he came inside me .

When I was heading towards door he stopped me again .

" I love you ." I instantly turned around . My heart beats faster .

" Wish you told me when I needed ." And than I ran away .

I went to room saw Bible sleeping .

" Just came ? " I snuggled .

" what happened ?" He held my chin and stroked them softly . Should I say him . No I can't I don't trust him either. At this point I can trust only me and myself .

" Nothing just can't sleep . " He hugged me .

" I love you . " I smiled and then he slept . Meanwhile I keep remembering Vegas's word . No I can't get weak at this point . They all deserve worse .

Author POV

Next morning

" Where is Pete . " Grandma asked

" Pete has not come down till now ?" Vegas questioned .

"He must be sleeping " Kete replied .

Bible came in picture .

" Good morning everyone " Kete was staring at Vegas the whole time , analyzing his reaction . He is an observant guy . He was happy and sad at the same time because of his twins . He knew Vegas had still feeling for pete but he desn't want to give up on Vegas after learning about Vegas was planning to propose him . He heard it from Porsche spilling the tea .

" goodmorning dear is my grandson still sleeping ?" Grandma questioned .

" ohh well I didn't let him sleep at night ." Bible had evil smirk .

" Come on please not in morning " Kete felt a bit embarrassed .

" Please do respect that we all are here . " Vegas seemed annoyed . He thought that Pete made out with Bible after they had steamy session .

" I was just kidding haha , Pete went to meet his old friend umm I forget his name . " That was it ,the room felt tensed .

" Kete lets go before something big happens . " And they went without doing breakfast . Bible knew the whole story . He texted Pete that the plan was done .

" grandma , what happened ? They seemed tensed ?" He acted like confused

" Son let's have breakfast first . " Bible felt a bit horror in the calmness of Grandma . She definitely knows something which no one knows .

On other hand , Pete went to Kinn's home . He saw a maid opening the door .

" umm who are you ?" Pete chuckled and wanted to give her savage reply but then no . He wanted to torture Porsche first .

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